PONARS Eurasia proudly presents a new curated e-book of policy memos, featuring diverse contributions from PONARS Eurasia experts on various impacts and aspects of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
Table of Contents

I. Russia’s Decision to Invade and Military Conduct
President Putin’s Rationality and Escalation in Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine
Kimberly Marten
A New Stage in Russian Foreign Policy: War and Isolation
Vadim Grishin
Putin’s Occupation Options for Ukraine: Keep or Trade?
Serhiy Kudelia
The Changing “De-facto State Playbook”: From Opportunism to Strategic Calculation
Tetyana Malyarenko and Stefan Wolff
Vladimir Putin’s Casus Belli for Invading Ukraine
Scott Radnitz
Similarities Stain the Kremlin’s Warfare on Chechens and Ukrainians
Marat Iliyasov and Yoshiko Herrera
Dominating Ukraine’s Sky
Volodymyr Dubovyk
Russia’s War on Ukrainian Farms
Susanne Wengle and Vitalii Dankevych

II. Russia’s Selling and Promoting of the War
Who’s to Blame? Sanctions, Economic Hardship, and Putin’s Fear of Color Revolutions
Stephen Crowley
How Russian Television Prepared the Public for War
J. Paul Goode
Manufacturing Support for War: Russia’s Preppers, Fellow Travelers, and Activist Networks
Marlene Laruelle and Ivan Grek
Moscow’s Manipulated Memory Politics and Attack on Ukraine
Marat Iliyasov
Putin’s Home Front: A War on Time
Felix Krawatzek and George Soroka

III. Effects of the War on Russian Domestic Politics
Discontent, Discussion, Dissemination: Mounting Grievances in Russia’s Security Services Leading Up to February 24
Emily Ferris
Breaking Ranks? Signs of Unease in Russian Military Circles
Peter Rutland
Russia’s Right-Wing Reactions to the War
Katharina Bluhm and Mihai Varga
Russia’s Muslim Leaders on the Invasion of Ukraine: United in a Display of Loyalty, Divided in Competition for Power
Gulnaz Sibgatullina
Cloudy Forecast for the Climate: Russia’s Climate Policy in a Time of War
Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom and Laura A. Henry

IV. Consequences of the War for Russia’s Neighbors
Creeping Finlandization or Prudent Foreign Policy? Georgia’s Strategic Challenges amid the Ukrainian Crisis
Kornely Kakachia and Shota Kakabadze
Nord Stream 2 Under Sanctions: A Silver Lining for EU Energy Security Policy?
Martin Jirušek
V. Challenges for the Future
Rebuilding Ukraine: Pre-War Trends and Post-War Priorities Should Inform the Process
Ralph Clem and Erik Herron
The Destruction of Academic Freedom and Social Science in Russia
Theodore Gerber and Hannah Chapman
Influencers, Echo Chambers, and Epistemic Bubbles: Russia’s Academic Discourse in the Wake of the War in Ukraine
Mariya Omelicheva
Time to Question Russia’s Imperial Innocence
Botakoz Kassymbekova and Erica Marat