Political Actors in the North Caucasus and Moscow Hijacking Decolonization to Cement Their Power View
Is There More Hope or More Fear Among Russia’s Exiled Activists After the August 2024 Prisoner Swap? View
TitlePolicy MemoAuthorDatetags_hfilterPolitical Actors in the North Caucasus and Moscow Hijacking Decolonization to Cement Their Power928Jean-François RatelleFebruary 18, 2025tags-russia tags-d117Federal and Regional Dynamics of the Kremlin’s New Cadre Strategy to Adapt to War927Irina BusyginaFebruary 10, 2025tags-russia tags-ukraine tags-d117 tags-d62The People vs. Bidzina Ivanishvili. Who Will Win in 2025?926Stephen F. JonesJanuary 21, 20252025 tags-georgiaRussians’ Worldview and the Legacy of the Early 1990s925William PyleJanuary 13, 2025tags-communism tags-russia tags-yeltsinIs There More Hope or More Fear Among Russia’s Exiled Activists After the August 2024 Prisoner Swap?924Elizabeth PlantanDecember 16, 2024activism prisoner-swaps tags-russia‘Foreign Agent’ Laws in Georgia, Kyrgyzstan Show Pitfalls of Turning Local Governance Issues into Geopolitical Battles923Emil DzhuraevDecember 9, 2024tags-eu foreign-agent-law tags-georgia tags-protest tags-russiaErection and Demolition of Monuments in Russian-East European Memory Wars922Katie StewartDecember 9, 2024tags-eastern-europe tags-post-soviet-states tags-russia tags-soviet-unionWhere Is Russia’s ‘Military Keynesianism’ Headed?921Katharina BluhmDecember 2, 2024tags-russia tags-d117Political Reforms for Postwar Russia: What Russian Wartime Migrants Say920Mikhail TurchenkoDecember 2, 2024tags-migration tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-d117The Impacts of Host- and Home-Country Political Environments on Russian Activists Abroad919Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom, Laura Henry and Valerie SperlingNovember 18, 2024activism tags-russia russiansCan Russians Learn to Recognize Propaganda? Understanding of Media Bias Amid the Ukraine War918Anton Shirikov and Georgiy SyunyaevNovember 11, 2024tags-propaganda tags-russiaThe 2024 BRICS Summit in Kazan: Another Russian Attempt to Regain Diplomatic Status917Janko ŠćepanovićNovember 4, 2024tags-brazil tags-brics tags-china tags-india tags-russia south-africa tags-d117Despite Everything: How and Why Russia Remains an Actor in the Horn of Africa916Ivan U. KlyszczNovember 4, 2024tags-africa tags-russia tags-d117Resilience Strained: How Civil-Military Relations Are Shaping Russia’s War Effort915Kirill ShamievOctober 28, 2024tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-russian-military tags-ukraine tags-d117 tags-d62Survey Data from Republic of Georgia Highlights Risks of Polarization Ahead of 2024 Election914Cole HarveyOctober 21, 2024tags-elections tags-georgiaThe Kremlin’s Dilemma: Effectiveness versus Loyalty in the Case of Prigozhin’s Wagner PMC913Margarita Zavadskaya and Jussi LassilaOctober 21, 2024kremlin tags-russia tags-wagner-group tags-d117Foreign Fighters in Ukraine Pose Growing, Unaddressed Threat to Western Security912Jean-François RatelleOctober 7, 2024tags-russia tags-ukraine tags-d117 tags-d62Climate Change Adaptation Policy in Qazaqstan911Andrei Semenov, Akerke Akhmetova, Aizada Arapova and Aruzhan KaparovaSeptember 23, 2024tags-climate-change tags-kazakhstan qazaqstanNewly found Reductionism in Nuclear Deterrence Russian-Style910Pavel BaevSeptember 16, 2024tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineTrapped between Three Conflicts, Central Asian Migrants Face Problems We Can No Longer Ignore909Stevan Weine and Noah TuckerAugust 26, 2024tags-central-asia tags-immigration tags-tajikistan tags-terrorism tags-usaConnective Action Against Domestic Violence in Qazaqstan908Adiya Akhmer and Andrei SemenovAugust 19, 2024domestic-violence tags-eurasia tags-kazakhstan qazaqstan tags-twitterPrisoner Exchanges, Putin-Style: From Cold War-Era Spy Swaps to the Kidnapping and Criminality of Today907Mark KramerAugust 7, 2024tags-cold-war tags-germany prisoner-swaps tags-putin tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-usa(De)Centralization? Challenges to Local-Level Governance under Martial Law in Ukraine906Andrii Darkovich and Myroslava SaviskoJuly 31, 2024russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineReplacing Ramzan: Chechen Succession Planning and the Pivotal Role of Adam Delimkhanov905Mark YoungmanJuly 5, 2024tags-chechnya delimkhanov tags-russiaFar from Home: Russians Relocating to Latin America904Svetlana Ruseishvili, Ivetta Sergeeva and Emil KamalovJune 26, 2024latin-america tags-migration tags-russiaWhere’s Wagner Now? One Year after the Mutiny903Kimberly MartenJune 21, 2024tags-russia tags-wagner-group tags-d117Anchored in Freedom: Ukrainians’ Will to Fight Back in Harder Times902Mikhail Alexseev and Serhii DembitskyiJune 20, 2024tags-russia tags-ukraine tags-d117 tags-d62Russian Identity and War Support901Maria SnegovayaJune 14, 2024tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-d117Shifting Political Thresholds among the Russian Public900Danielle LussierJune 12, 2024tags-politics tags-public-opinion tags-russia tags-d117Anti-Kremlin Militant Activities in and Around the Russian Federation: What to Expect after the Crocus City Hall Terrorist Attack899Jean-François RatelleJune 3, 2024tags-russia tags-terrorismThe War in Ukraine and Changing Perceptions of Russia in Azerbaijan898Anar Valiyev and Fidan NazamovaJune 3, 2024tags-azerbaijan tags-russia russia-ukraine-warRole of Language and Age in Ethnic Qazaqs’ Perceptions of the War in Ukraine897Azamat JunisbaiJune 3, 2024tags-kazakhstan tags-language russia-ukraine-warHow Uzbek State and Society View Foreign Relations in the Context of the Russo-Ukrainian War896Eric McGlincheyMay 30, 2024russia-ukraine-war tags-uzbekistanLocal Responses to Russian Migration in Georgia and Kazakhstan895Mariam Darchiashvili, Ketevan Gurchiani, Nikita Mishakov and Caress SchenkMay 29, 2024tags-georgia tags-kazakhstan tags-migration tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-d117Escaping Russia’s Death Grip: How Has Putin’s Aggression in Ukraine Affected Security in Armenia and Karabakh894Nona ShahnazarianMay 29, 2024tags-armenia tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-putin russia-ukraine-warFrom Crisis to Catalyst: The Impact of Russia’s War on Moldova’s Domestic and Foreign Policies893Igor Zaharov and Carolina BogatiucMay 29, 2024tags-foreign-policy tags-moldova tags-russiaBelarus and the War: Gradual De-Sovereignization of the Country892Ryhor NizhnikauMay 23, 2024tags-belarus russia-ukraine-war tags-d482Kazakhstan’s New Push to the West891Nargis KassenovaMay 23, 2024tags-kazakhstan russia-ukraine-warAre the Sanctions Working890Peter RutlandMay 21, 2024tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-sanctions tags-d117What Is Considered Extinct May Never Die: The Future of Russia-Led Organizations in Eurasia889Mariya OmelichevaMay 20, 2024The Impact of the War in Ukraine on the Eurasian Economic Union888Irina BusyginaMay 17, 2024tags-economics tags-eurasian-union russia-ukraine-warAfter the Collapse: How to Prevent a Return to Another Variant of “Putinism”887Irina Busygina and Mikhail FilippovMay 1, 2024tags-policy-memos tags-putin putinism tags-russia tags-d117Ukraine’s Economy Moves Westward: Implications for Rebound and Reconstruction886Ralph Clem, Erik Herron, Timothy Hoheneder and Khrystyna PelcharApril 9, 2024tags-economy russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineThe Roots of Spontaneous Protest in Bashkortostan885Stanislav Shkel, Anna A. Dekalchuk, Ivan S. Grigoriev and Regina SmythApril 4, 2024tags-protest tags-russia tags-russian-regionsRussia’s Intended Naval Base in Ochamchire: Implications for Georgian and Black Sea Security884Kornely Kakachia and Salome MinesashviliMarch 27, 2024tags-georgia tags-russiaMoscow’s Military (In)effectiveness: Why Civil-Military Relations Have Hampered Russia’s Performance on the Battlefield in Ukraine883Kirill ShamievMarch 27, 2024tags-russia tags-russian-militaryUkraine’s EU Membership Prospects: Taking on Europe’s Budgetary and Institutional Hurdles882Hilary Appel and Madeline DornfeldMarch 7, 2024tags-ukraineThe Carlson-Putin Interview, or the Limits of Dialogue between the Western Far Right and Russia881Marlene Laruelle and John ChrobakMarch 4, 2024tags-russiaWill Russian Voters Abroad Support Putin in the Upcoming Presidential Election?: Lessons from the 2018 Russian Presidential Election880Eugene HuskeyMarch 4, 2024tags-russiaGrassroots Urban Activism and the Use of Digital Platforms in Russia879Vsevolod Bederson, Liubov Chernysheva and Andrei SemenovFebruary 27, 2024tags-russiaRepurposing Tradition to Justify the War in Ukraine878Marat Iliyasov, Valeria Umanets, Aleksandra Garmazhapova and Yasin HakimFebruary 20, 2024tags-russia russia-ukraine-warCategorizing Russian Atrocity Crimes in Ukraine: Judicial Accountability and Implications Ahead877Kristina HookFebruary 20, 2024russia-ukraine-war tags-ukrainePost-Authoritarian Russia Will Need Transitional Justice: Evidence from In-Depth Interviews with Russian Wartime Migrants876Mikhail TurchenkoFebruary 8, 2024tags-russiaRussia’s Changing Latin America Strategy875Ivan U. KlyszczFebruary 5, 2024tags-russiaWhen Climate Crisis Meets Bad Governance: Lessons from Georgia in 2023874Irena Gonashvili and Bidzina LebanidzeFebruary 5, 2024georgaFiltering the News: Why Russians Prefer Propaganda and Shield Themselves from Independent Reporting873Anton ShirikovJanuary 29, 2024tags-russiaCenter-Regional Relations in Russia during the War: Are There Signs of Model Erosion?872Irina Busygina and Mikhail FilippovJanuary 12, 2024tags-russia tags-russian-regionsUnfulfillable Promise: Mediation Efforts in the Russian-Ukrainian War since 2014871Tetyana Malyarenko and Stefan WolffJanuary 12, 2024russia-ukraine-warCossacks as a Case Study of Russia’s Paramilitarization870Richard ArnoldDecember 20, 2023tags-russiaRamzan Kadyrov: Between Putin’s Loyal Praetorian Guard and Devoted Servant of the Chechen People869Jean-François Ratelle and Marat IliyasovDecember 18, 2023tags-chechnya tags-kadyrovIn Their Own Voice: Supporting Russia’s Wartime Migrants868Emil Kamalov, Veronika Kostenko, Andrei Semenov, Ivetta Sergeeva, Regina Smyth, Mikhail Turchenko and Margarita ZavadskayaDecember 18, 2023tags-russiaAttitudes toward Russia’s War on Ukraine in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan867Hannah Chapman and Raushan ZhandayevaDecember 12, 2023Unfulfillable Promise: Mediation Efforts in the Russian-Ukrainian War Since 2014866Tetyana Malyarenko and Stefan WolffDecember 5, 2023Russian Military Keynesianism: Who Benefits from the War in Ukraine?865Volodymyr Ishchenko, Ilya Matveev and Oleg ZhuravlevNovember 27, 2023tags-economics tags-russia russia-ukraine-warThe South Caucasus between Putin and Erdoğan: Is Russia on Its Way Out?864Alexander IskandaryanNovember 22, 2023tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-south-caucasusFor Victory in Freedom: Why Ukrainian Resilience to Russian Aggression Endures863Mikhail Alexseev and Serhii DembitskyiNovember 14, 2023russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineWhat Does Support for Russia Mean? Evidence from Gagauz Yeri, Moldova862Kyle L. MarquardtNovember 6, 2023tags-moldovaNegotiating Security with Autocracies: Implications for the Russo-Ukrainian War861Mikhail TroitskiyNovember 6, 2023russia-ukraine-warAll Blushes of Autumn: Russia’s Evolving “Red Lines” in the War on Ukraine860Polina SinovetsOctober 23, 2023tags-putin russia-ukraine-warAre Sanctions on Russia Effective? How (Not) to Inform the Debate859Juliet JohnsonOctober 23, 2023The Gen Z Effect: A Portrait of the Younger Generation Fighting for Georgia’s European Future858Nino Samkharadze and Bidzina LebanidzeOctober 23, 2023tags-georgiaRussia in the Western Balkans since the War in Ukraine: Detachment, Diminished Status, and the Agency of Local Actors857Janko ŠćepanovićOctober 11, 2023How Foreign Funders Should Strengthen Their Support for Civil Society: A Case Study of USAID in Kazakhstan856Sebastien PeyrouseOctober 3, 2023tags-civil-society tags-kazakhstanExplaining Ukraine’s Resilience to Russia’s Invasion: The Role of Local Governance and Decentralization Reform855Andrii Darkovich, Myroslava Savisko and Maryna RabinovychSeptember 11, 2023tags-ukraineA Window of Opportunity by Default: Will Moldova Use It?854Ryhor Nizhnikau and Arkady MoshesSeptember 8, 2023Prigozhin’s Fate in Putin’s Russia: The Political Roles of Aircraft853Mark KramerSeptember 7, 2023prigozhin tags-russiaForeign Fighters in Ukraine: Multiple Ideological Agendas, One Tactical Goal852Jean-François Ratelle, Mira Seales and Agnes WengerAugust 28, 2023tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineVictory Despite the Cost: What Ukrainians Think about the War, Peace, and Russia851Yuriy MatsiyevskyAugust 11, 2023russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineWhy the West Should Localize Anti-Corruption Efforts in Ukraine850Olena LennonJuly 21, 2023russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineOne Step Ahead of the Dictator: OVD-Info and the Rebuilding of Russian Civil Society849Maria Chiara FranceschelliJuly 19, 2023tags-russiaThe Spatiality of War and Challenges in Restoring Ukraine’s Economy848Ralph Clem, Erik Herron and Timothy HohenederJuly 7, 2023tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineA Final Reckoning? Sino-Russian Relations Amid Russia’s War on Ukraine847Mikhail TroitskiyJune 9, 2023tags-china tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-russian-chinese-relationsRallying to Russia from the Balkans: Milorad Dodik and the Invasion of Ukraine846Emina Muzaferija and Gerard ToalJune 5, 2023tags-balkans muzaferija toalThe Shanghai Cooperation Organization and Russia845Janko ŠćepanovićMay 15, 2023tags-russia russia-ukraine-war scepanovic tags-shanghai-cooperation-organizationTbilisi’s Transactional Foreign Policy Leads Georgians Astray844Kornely Kakachia and Bidzina LebanidzeMay 5, 2023tags-georgia tags-kakachia tags-lebanidze tags-russia russia-ukraine-warRussia’s Administrators: The Weakest Link in a Crisis843Guzel GarifullinaApril 25, 2023garifullina tags-russia russia-ukraine-warUkrainians and Russians Are Not One People—But Perhaps Not for the Reasons You Think842Pål KolstøApril 21, 2023tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineRussian Protests Following the Invasion of Ukraine841Katerina TertytchnayaApril 17, 2023tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tertytchnayaConsolidating Values to Consolidate Power in Russia840Katie StewartApril 10, 2023tags-russia stewartRussia’s Paramilitarization and its Consequences839Marlene Laruelle and Richard ArnoldApril 3, 2023tags-arnold tags-laruelle tags-military tags-russia russia-ukraine-warExodus: Russian Repression and Social “Movement”838Laura Henry, Valerie Sperling and Lisa SundstromMarch 24, 2023henry tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-sperling sundstromThe Ukrainian Resistance Movement in the Occupied Territories837Yuriy MatsiyevskyMarch 20, 2023tags-matsiyevsky russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineUsing Russian Prisoners to Fight in Ukraine: Legal or Illegal?836Alexander N. SukharenkoMarch 14, 2023tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-sukharenko tags-wagner-groupRamzan Kadyrov’s Gamble in Ukraine: Keeping Chechnya Under Control While Competing for Federal Power835Jean-François RatelleMarch 13, 2023tags-chechnya tags-ratelle tags-russia russia-ukraine-warThe Risk of Protest Won’t Stop Election Manipulation: Implications for Democracy Assistance834Cole HarveyMarch 6, 2023tags-belarus tags-democracy harvey tags-russia tags-ukraineUkraine’s Current Counterintelligence Capabilities833Eli C. KaulMarch 1, 2023intelligence kaul tags-russia russia-ukraine-warThe Evolving Concerns of Russians After the Invasion of Ukraine: Evaluating Appeals to the Presidential Administration832Sasha de VogelFebruary 27, 2023de-vogel tags-russia russia-ukraine-warRussia’s Invasion of Ukraine and Weaponization of the “Humanitarian Space”831Lance DaviesFebruary 24, 2023davies tags-russia russia-ukraine-warHow Reliable Are Polls In Wartime Ukraine?830Kit Rickard, Gerard Toal, Kristin M. Bakke and John O’LoughlinFebruary 15, 2023bakke oloughlin rickard russia-ukraine-war toalBeyond Wagner: The Russian Cossack Forces in Ukraine829Richard ArnoldFebruary 10, 2023tags-arnold tags-cossacks russia-ukraine-warTurning the Soviet Ethos into a Democracy Cause: Lessons From the 2020 Belarus Mobilization828Natalia ForratFebruary 7, 2023tags-belarus forrat russia-ukraine-warIs the War in Ukraine Helping or Hindering the Relationship Between the EU and its Illiberal Member States?827Paula GangaFebruary 3, 2023tags-eu ganga tags-hungary tags-poland russia-ukraine-warThe Policy Implications of Russia’s Genocide in Ukraine826Kristina HookFebruary 1, 2023genocide hook russia-ukraine-warNational Security in Local Hands? How Local Authorities Contribute to Ukraine’s Resilience825Oksana Huss and Oleksandra KeudelJanuary 25, 2023huss keudel russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineSilence Matters: Self-Censorship and War in Russia824Guzel YusupovaJanuary 19, 2023tags-russia russia-ukraine-warEthnic Variation in Support for Putin and the Invasion of Ukraine823Kyle L. MarquardtJanuary 12, 2023tags-ethnic-minorities tags-marquardt tags-russia russia-ukraine-warRussian Political Exiles: The Challenges of Forging an Anti-War Movement822Gulnaz SibgatullinaJanuary 5, 2023russia-ukraine-war sibgatullinaTo Justify, Demonize, Normalize: Putin’s Language of War and Central Asian Neutrality821Emil DzhuraevDecember 23, 2022tags-central-asia tags-dzhuraev tags-putin russia-ukraine-warAll Fraud Is Not Created Equal: Recent Electoral Manipulation Practices are Less Likely to Incite Public Ire820Hannah ChapmanDecember 19, 2022chapman tags-duma tags-elections tags-parliament tags-russiaAbkhazia and South Ossetia: Second-Order Effects of the Russia-Ukraine War819Sufian ZhemukhovDecember 19, 2022tags-abkhazia tags-georgia tags-south-caucasus tags-south-ossetia tags-zhemukhovThe Russian Migration to Georgia: Threats or Opportunities?818Kornely Kakachia and Salome KandelakiDecember 19, 2022tags-georgia tags-kakachia kandelaki russia-ukraine-warThe Chechen Footprint During Russian Wartime 817Marat IliyasovDecember 16, 2022tags-chechnya iliyasov russia-ukraine-warHow Do Ukrainian Networks Resist? Sources and Limits of Critical Infrastructure Resilience816Sophie LambroschiniDecember 12, 2022tags-energy lambroschini russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineIn the Face of the Russian Invasion, Ukrainians Increasingly Embrace Nationalism815Volodymyr KulykDecember 5, 2022tags-kulyk tags-nationalism russia-ukraine-war tags-ukrainePublic Pressure on Multinational Corporations in Russia Post-Invasion of Ukraine: a Comparative Perspective814Julian Alin, Abigail Eichenberg, Volodymyr Kulikov and Mykhaylo SimanovskyyDecember 2, 2022Black Sea Blackmail: Ukrainian Food Exports in War Conditions813Susanne Wengle and Vitalii DankevychNovember 21, 2022dankevych tags-economy russia-ukraine-war tags-wenglePrepare for Russia’s Coming Retrenchment812Ivan U. KlyszczNovember 20, 2022klyszcz tags-russia russia-ukraine-warDeciphering Russia’s Playbook: Lessons From the Lead-Up to Putin’s War in Ukraine811Adam Stulberg and Dennis MurphyNovember 14, 2022murphy tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-stulbergUnited We Stand (With Russia)? How Moscow’s Soft Power Shaped Views on the War810Mariya OmelichevaNovember 14, 2022tags-omelicheva tags-russia russia-ukraine-warDo Russians Support the War? How the Answer Reflects Biases, Uncertainty, and Old Divisions809Ivan KurillaNovember 13, 2022tags-kurilla tags-putin tags-russia russia-ukraine-warRussia’s Erosion in Central Asia808Eric McGlinchey and Shairbek DzhuraevNovember 4, 2022Why Would Western Policymakers Favor a Ukrainian Stalemate Over Victory?807Olexiy Haran and Petro BurkovskyiOctober 30, 2022tags-burkovsky tags-haran tags-nato tags-russia russia-ukraine-warThe Future of Kazakhstani-Russian Relations: Public Opinion and the CSTO806Pauline Jones and Regina SmythOctober 30, 2022tags-central-asia tags-csto jones tags-kazakhstan tags-russia tags-smythCan Azerbaijan and Armenia Reach a Peace Agreement Amidst the Russo-Ukrainian Crisis? 805Anar Valiyev and Inara YagubovaOctober 28, 2022tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-valiyev yagubovaThe Limits of the Russia-China Partnership After the Ukraine Invasion804Hilary Appel and Boyang LiuOctober 24, 2022tags-appel tags-china liu tags-russiaWhy the West is Losing the Global Information War Over Ukraine and How It Can Be Fixed 803Peter RutlandOctober 17, 2022russia-ukraine-war tags-rutlandThe North Caucasus and the Russian War in Ukraine802Jean-François RatelleOctober 13, 2022tags-chechnya tags-north-caucasus tags-ratelle tags-russia russia-ukraine-warIrrelevant Intrigues and Diminished Power Projection: Russia in Retreat from the Middle East801Pavel BaevOctober 10, 2022tags-baev tags-middle-east tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-syria tags-turkeyHow the War in Ukraine is Reformatting the Post-Soviet Space800Alexander IskandaryanOctober 9, 2022tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-georgia tags-iskandaryan russia-ukraine-war tags-south-caucasusThe Most Consequential World Cup in History?799Richard ArnoldOctober 3, 2022tags-arnold tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-sportsAlarming Alterations: How Memory Politics Turned the Russian Constitution into a War Weapon798Carna PistanSeptember 26, 2022tags-constitutional-reform tags-russia russia-ukraine-warRussia’s Icebreakers, North Sea Route, and Invasion of Ukraine 797Nurlan AliyevSeptember 23, 2022tags-aliyev tags-arctic tags-russia russia-ukraine-warThe Nuclear Weapons Factor on Interstate Politics in the Russia-Ukraine War796Polina SinovetsSeptember 19, 2022tags-nato tags-nuclear-arms russia-ukraine-war tags-sinovetsRussia’s War and Belarus’s Ravaged Sovereignty795Ryhor Nizhnikau and Arkady MoshesSeptember 19, 2022tags-belarus tags-moshes tags-nizhnikau russia-ukraine-warHow Conservative Are Russians? Findings from the 2021 LegitRuss Survey794Henry HaleSeptember 12, 2022tags-hale legitruss tags-russiaStriking Back at the Empire: Ukrainians Converge on Values and National Belonging793Mikhail Alexseev and Serhii DembitskyiSeptember 12, 2022tags-alexseev dembitskyi russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineGeorgia’s Crossroad after Crossroad: Paths of Risk and Resilience792Kornely Kakachia and Bidzina LebanidzeSeptember 6, 2022tags-georgia tags-kakachia tags-lebanidze russia-ukraine-warThe Russian Economic Conundrum: A New Global Stress Test and Reboot of Globalization791Vadim GrishinSeptember 6, 2022tags-economics grishin tags-russia russia-ukraine-warRussia’s 2022 Anti-War Exodus: The Attitudes and Expectations of Russian Migrants790Emil Kamalov, Veronika Kostenko, Ivetta Sergeeva and Margarita ZavadskayaSeptember 6, 2022kamalov kostenko tags-russia russia-ukraine-war sergeeva tags-zavadskayaImperializing Russia: Empire by Default or Design?789Marlene LaruelleAugust 22, 2022tags-laruelle tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tsarsRacializing Central Asia during the Russian-Ukrainian War: Migration Flows and Ethnic Hierarchies788Aizada Arystanbek and Caress SchenkAugust 9, 2022arystanbek tags-central-asia tags-migration russia-ukraine-war tags-schenkRussia’s Cyberwar Against Ukraine: A De-Modernized Regime Against a Networked Society787Tetyana Malyarenko and Borys KormychJuly 22, 2022kormych tags-malyarenko russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineRussia’s War on Ukrainian Farms786Susanne Wengle and Vitalii DankevychJuly 15, 2022tags-agriculture dankevych russia-ukraine-war tags-wengleCloudy Forecast for the Climate: Russia’s Climate Policy in a Time of War785Lisa McIntosh Sundstrom and Laura HenryJuly 14, 2022tags-climate-change tags-russia russia-ukraine-warPutin’s Home Front: A War on Time784Felix Krawatzek and George SorokaJuly 11, 2022tags-russia russia-ukraine-warThe EU Takes Aim at Russia’s Natural Gas Weak Spot783Martin JirušekJune 23, 2022jirusek tags-oil-gas tags-russiaFused and Diffused Systems of Public Power in Russia782Kirill MelnikovJune 18, 2022tags-constitutional-reform melnikov tags-russiaOutsourcing Violence: Provocateurs and Power Struggles in Kazakhstan, January 2022781Dinissa Duvanova and Barbara JunisbaiJune 13, 2022tags-duvanova tags-junisbai tags-kazakhstan tags-nazarbayev tags-tokayevThe Informational Dictator’s Dilemma: Citizen Responses to Media Censorship and Control in Russia and Belarus780Samuel GreeneJune 12, 2022tags-belarus tags-greene tags-media tags-russiaReady to Protest? Calculating Protest Potential in Russian Regional Capitals779Irina Busygina and Ekaterina PaustyanJune 5, 2022tags-busygina paustyan tags-russiaContentious Cities: Urban Conflicts in Russian Millionniks778Andrei SemenovJune 2, 2022tags-protests tags-russia tags-semenovInfluencers, Echo Chambers, and Epistemic Bubbles: Russia’s Academic Discourse in the Wake of the War in Ukraine777Mariya OmelichevaMay 31, 2022tags-omelicheva tags-russia russia-ukraine-warThe Changing “De-facto State Playbook”: From Opportunism to Strategic Calculation776Tetyana Malyarenko and Stefan WolffMay 27, 2022tags-de-facto-states tags-malyarenko tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraine tags-wolffThe Limits of Authoritarian Learning: Deconstructing Kazakhstan’s 2022 Coup Attempt775Azamat JunisbaiMay 20, 2022tags-junisbai tags-kazakhstan tags-nazarbayev tags-tokayevThe Expanding Russian Cossack Movement: A Social Base for Putinism774Richard ArnoldMay 18, 2022tags-arnold tags-cossacks tags-russiaIs Putin’s Popularity (Still) Real? A Cautionary Note on Using List Experiments to Measure Popularity in Authoritarian Regimes773Timothy Frye, Scott Gehlbach, Kyle L. Marquardt and Ora John ReuterMay 3, 2022tags-frye tags-gehlbach tags-marquardt tags-reuter tags-russiaRussia’s Right-Wing Reactions to the War772Katharina Bluhm and Mihai VargaApril 28, 2022bluhm tags-far-right tags-russia vargaTime to Question Russia’s Imperial Innocence771Botakoz Kassymbekova and Erica MaratApril 27, 2022kassymbekova tags-marat tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineWitnessing Ukraine, Watersheds in the Balkans770Veljko MilonjicApril 25, 2022tags-balkans tags-eu milonjic tags-nato tags-ukraineSimilarities Stain the Kremlin’s Warfare on Chechens and Ukrainians769Marat Iliyasov and Yoshiko HerreraApril 24, 2022tags-chechnya tags-herrara iliyasov russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineRebuilding Ukraine: Pre-War Trends and Post-War Priorities Should Inform the Process768Ralph Clem and Erik HerronApril 18, 2022tags-clem tags-herron russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineWho’s to Blame? Sanctions, Economic Hardship, and Putin’s Fear of Color Revolutions767Stephen CrowleyApril 18, 2022tags-color-revolutions tags-crowley tags-russia tags-sanctions tags-ukraineThe Destruction of Academic Freedom and Social Science in Russia766Theodore Gerber and Hannah ChapmanApril 11, 2022chapman tags-gerber tags-russiaRussia’s Muslim Leaders on the Invasion of Ukraine: United in a Display of Loyalty, Divided in Competition for Power765Gulnaz SibgatullinaApril 7, 2022tags-islam tags-russia sibgatullina tags-ukraineManufacturing Support for War: Russia’s Preppers, Fellow Travelers, and Activist Networks764Marlene Laruelle and Ivan GrekApril 4, 2022grek tags-laruelle tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-russian-mediaPutin’s Occupation Options for Ukraine: Keep or Trade?763Sergiy KudeliaApril 4, 2022tags-kudelia tags-ukraineVladimir Putin’s Casus Belli for Invading Ukraine762Scott RadnitzMarch 28, 2022tags-radnitz tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineHow Russian Television Prepared the Public for War761Paul GoodeMarch 28, 2022tags-goode tags-russiaCreeping Finlandization or Prudent Foreign Policy? Georgia’s Strategic Challenges amid the Ukrainian Crisis760Kornely Kakachia and Shota KakabadzeMarch 28, 2022tags-georgia kakabadze tags-kakachia russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineThe Ethics of Political Commemoration: The Stalin Museum and Thorny Legacies in the Post-Soviet Space759Hans GutbrodMarch 23, 2022tags-georgia gutbrod political-commemoration stalinMoscow’s Manipulated Memory Politics and Attack on Ukraine758Marat IliyasovMarch 19, 2022history iliyasov tags-russiaHow Punitive Are Russians? Insights From a National Survey on Law Enforcement in Russia757Daniel Horn, Gavin Slade and Alexei TrochevMarch 14, 2022tags-russiaPresident Putin’s Rationality and Escalation in Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine756Kimberly MartenMarch 9, 2022tags-marten tags-russia russia-ukraine-war tags-ukraineDiscontent, Discussion, Dissemination: Mounting Grievances in Russia’s Security Services Leading Up to February 24755Emily FerrisMarch 6, 2022tags-ferris tags-russia tags-security-institutionsThe Emerging Role of Muslim Civil Society In Central Asia744Sebastien Peyrouse and Emil NasritdinovMarch 3, 2022tags-central-asia tags-peyrouseA New Stage in Russian Foreign Policy: War and Isolation743Vadim GrishinFebruary 28, 2022grishin tags-russia tags-ukraineNord Stream 2 Under Sanctions: A Silver Lining for EU Energy Security Policy?742Martin JirušekFebruary 25, 2022tags-germany jirusek tags-oil-gas tags-ukraineArmenia’s New Swathi Radar and Defense Imports from India: Eurasian Geostrategy or Technology Interface?741Jason E. StrakesFebruary 16, 2022tags-armenia tags-india tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-strakesOld (Cultural) Divisions, New Issues: Regional Differentiation in Ukrainians’ Coronavirus Responses740Daniel Shapiro and Dylan HebertFebruary 15, 2022tags-covid-19 tags-ukraineBreaking Ranks? Signs of Unease in Russian Military Circles739Peter RutlandFebruary 14, 2022tags-russia tags-rutland tags-ukraineThe North Caucasus Community in Europe: Challenging the Criminal Stereotype738Jean-François RatelleFebruary 7, 2022chechens tags-eurasian-union tags-europe tags-north-caucasus tags-ratelleThey All Are Doing Badly: Ukrainians Opinions About Governance During the Pandemic737Tymofii Brik and Elise GiulianoJanuary 31, 2022tags-brik tags-covid-19 tags-giuliano tags-ukraineSecuritizing Culture in Russia: Pros and Cons for Regime Legitimacy736Katie StewartJanuary 26, 2022tags-culture tags-russia stewartTransnistria Writ Large for Donbas? Several Battlefields Mark Ukraine’s Challenges735Tetyana MalyarenkoJanuary 24, 2022tags-black-sea tags-malyarenko tags-russia tags-ukraineBringing about Democracy without Increasing Corruption: Lessons from Post-Soviet States734Kelly McMannJanuary 18, 2022anti-corruption tags-armenia tags-corruption tags-estonia tags-kazakhstan tags-mcmannWhat Drives Border Conflicts in Central Asia? Roots of the Deadly Violence on the Kyrgyz-Tajik Border733Shairbek Dzhuraev and Eric McGlincheyJanuary 17, 2022tags-central-asia tags-juraev tags-kyrgyzstan tags-mcglinchey tags-tajikistanThe Time Is Right for Ukraine to Revisit the Lessons of the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War732Olena LennonJanuary 12, 2022tags-azerbaijan tags-crimea tags-donbas lennon tags-russia tags-turkey tags-ukraineUS-Russia Relations: The Year of Living Dangerously731Peter RutlandJanuary 8, 2022tags-russia tags-rutland tags-us-russian-relationsTrading Personal Freedom for Public Safety: The Russian Perspective730Kirill Chmel, Israel Marques II, Michael G. Mironyuk, Dina Rosenberg and Aleksei TurobovDecember 23, 2021tags-covid-19 liberty tags-russia tags-securityChanging Perceptions of State Capacity Delivery in Estonia, Georgia, and Ukraine During the COVID-19 Pandemic729Ralph Clem and Erik HerronDecember 17, 2021tags-clem tags-covid-19 tags-estonia tags-georgia tags-herron tags-ukraineThe Role of Cossacks in Russia’s Soft Power Toolkit728Richard ArnoldDecember 13, 2021tags-arnold tags-cossacks tags-russiaCOVID-19 “Humanitarianism”: The Geopolitics of Russia’s Coronavirus Assistance727Mariya OmelichevaDecember 13, 2021tags-covid-19 tags-omelicheva tags-russiaThree Decades of Post-Soviet Institution-Building: Slow Start, Expansion, Stagnation726Janko ŠćepanovićDecember 6, 2021tags-central-asia tags-china cis eaeu tags-russia scepanovic tags-scoThe Arctic as a Test for a “Stable and Predictable” Russia725Pavel BaevDecember 5, 2021tags-arctic tags-baev tags-russiaRussia’s Approach to Afghanistan Following the Taliban Takeover724Ekaterina StepanovaNovember 22, 2021tags-afghanistan tags-central-asia tags-russia tags-stepanovaSmoke & Mirrors: How Domestic Regime Concerns Made Strategic Stability Meaningless and Why It Still Matters Nevertheless723Mikhail TroitskiyNovember 17, 2021tags-troitskiy tags-us-russian-relationsThe Epoch of Regional Powers: Why Russia Lost and Turkey Won in Nagorno-Karabakh722Alexander IskandaryanNovember 15, 2021tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-iskandaryan tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-russia tags-turkeySelf-Selection into the Public Sector When Corruption is Widespread: The Paradoxical Case of Contemporary Russia721Jordan Gans-MorseNovember 10, 2021anti-corruption tags-corruption tags-gans-morse tags-russiaFooting Restored: Nudging Ukraine Forward in the Biden-Zelensky Era720Volodymyr DubovykNovember 8, 2021tags-dubovyk tags-us-ukrainian-relations tags-ukraineLast Man Standing: What the Latest Dispute Over Tatarstan’s Presidency Tells Us About the Enduring Ethnic Factor in Russian Politics719Adam LentonNovember 5, 2021lenton tags-russia tartarstanThe Collapse of the Afghan Government Provides a Challenge for China and Russia, Not a Windfall718Elizabeth WishnickNovember 1, 2021tags-afghanistan tags-china tags-russia tags-wishnickSanctions & War: Contending Western-Russian Approaches and Prospects for Strategic Stability717Adam StulbergNovember 1, 2021tags-darsey furbish tags-sanctions tags-stulberg tags-us-russian-relationsU.S. Foreign Policy: What Wins Hearts and Minds in Ukraine?716Mikhail AlexseevOctober 25, 2021tags-alexseev tags-us-ukrainian-relations tags-ukraineStrengthening Ukraine’s Black Sea Navy to be a Bulkhead Against Russia715Borys Kormych and Tetyana MalyarenkoOctober 22, 2021tags-black-sea kormych tags-malyarenko tags-navy tags-ukraineHow Maidan Revolutions Reproduce and Intensify the Post-Soviet Crisis of Political Representation714Volodymyr Ishchenko and Oleg ZhuravlevOctober 18, 2021tags-color-revolutions tags-euromaidan tags-ishchenko tags-revolution zhuravlevOpening the Araxes Rail Link between Armenia and Azerbaijan: Why the EU Should Support the Connection713Emmanuel Dreyfus and Jules HugotOctober 18, 2021tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-south-caucasusRussia and Its Two “Shared Neighborhoods”712Irina BusyginaOctober 11, 2021tags-busygina tags-russiaThe Georgian Orthodox Church as a Political Actor in Uncertain Times711Beka ChediaOctober 10, 2021tags-chedia tags-georgia orthodox-churchNot So Traditional After All? The Russian Orthodox Church’s Failure as a “Moral Norm Entrepreneur”710Pål Kolstø and Helge BlakkisrudOctober 4, 2021blakkisrud kolsto tags-russia tags-russian-orthodox-churchRussia’s Foreign Military Basing Strategy709Dmitry GorenburgSeptember 20, 2021tags-gorenburg tags-military tags-russia tags-russian-navyHow the “Escalation Strategy” Evolved in Russia’s Security Policy708Polina SinovetsSeptember 20, 2021tags-russia tags-russian-military tags-sinovetsForever Together? Relations Between Moscow and Minsk After the Belarusian Revolution of 2020707Arkady Moshes and Ryhor NizhnikauSeptember 2, 2021tags-belarus tags-moshes tags-nizhnikau tags-russiaWhy Russia Is Unlikely to Use Zapad-2021 to Intervene Militarily in European Countries706Simon SaradzhyanAugust 31, 2021tags-baltics tags-belarus tags-militarydefense tags-russia saradzhyan tags-ukraine zapadKarabakh After the 44-Day War: Russian Peacekeepers and Patterns705Anar ValiyevAugust 23, 2021tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-russia tags-turkey tags-valiyevThe Second Nagorno-Karabakh War in a Global South Perspective704Jason E. StrakesAugust 5, 2021tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-russia tags-turkeyTo Tango With the Bear: Turkey-Russia Relations ın a Turbulent Regıon703Suhnaz YilmazJuly 26, 2021tags-russia tags-turkey yilmazThe Economic Factors in U.S.-Russian Relations702Vadim GrishinJuly 11, 2021tags-economics grishin tags-russia tags-us-russian-relationsPost-Protest Legal Encounters and the Development of DIY Lawyering in Russia701Lauren McCarthyJune 1, 2021justice tags-mccarthy tags-russiaPawns, Partners, and “Smart Leadership”: Ukraine’s Opportunities in the China-Russia-West Triangle700Tetyana Malyarenko and Stefan WolffMay 25, 2021tags-china tags-europe tags-malyarenko tags-russia tags-ukraine tags-wolffThe Political Participation that Enables Putin699Danielle LussierMay 14, 2021tags-lussier tags-putin tags-russiaWhen Activists become Elected Officials: Comparing Two Governance Strategies in Western Siberia698Sarah Lindemann-KomarovaMay 3, 2021tags-lindemann-komarova novosibirsk tags-russiaChina’s Expanding Military Education Diplomacy in Central Asia697Erica MaratApril 19, 2021tags-central-asia tags-china tags-education tags-marat tags-militaryThis Time is Different (Again): The Political Consequences of the Economic Crisis in Russia696Andrei SemenovApril 1, 2021tags-economy tags-russia tags-semenovThe Dzerzhinsky Discord: Who Will Fill the Vacancy in Lubyanka Square?695Maria LipmanMarch 19, 2021dzerzhinsky tags-lipman tags-russiaThe Political Consequences of Public Relations Miscalculations: Will Ukraine’s Anti-corruption Bureau be Terminated?694Ivan GomzaMarch 12, 2021anti-corruption tags-gomza tags-ukraineThe Belarus Protests and Russia: Lessons for “Big Brother”693Natalya ChernyshovaMarch 1, 2021tags-belarus tags-chernyshova tags-protestsCentral Asian Responses to COVID-19: Regime Legitimacy and [De]Securitization of the Health Crisis692Mariya Omelicheva and Lawrence MarkowitzMarch 1, 2021tags-central-asia tags-covid-19 tags-markowitz tags-omelichevaCOVID-19 in Russia: What Russians Expected, What They Got, and What They Think About It691Sarah Wilson SokheyFebruary 22, 2021tags-coronavirus tags-russia tags-sokheyThe Russian Parliament and the Pandemic: A State of Emergency, Post-constitutional Changes, Retaliatory Laws690Ekaterina SchulmannFebruary 16, 2021tags-russia schulmannPasta and Sugar, Not Navalny, Are Putin’s Main Worries689Evgeny Finkel, Janetta Azarieva and Yitzhak BrudnyFebruary 9, 20212021 tags-agriculture azarieva brudny tags-economy tags-finkel tags-russiaThe Russian Military Police, from Syria to Karabakh688Emmanuel DreyfusFebruary 8, 20212021 tags-dreyfus tags-military tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-russia tags-russian-military-reform tags-syria“From Russia With Love”: The Kremlin’s COVID-19 Charm Offensive687Alexandra YatsykFebruary 2, 20212021 tags-coronavirus tags-russia tags-yatsykCOVID-19 Implications for Azerbaijan: Momentum Immobilized by a Perfect Storm686Anar ValiyevJanuary 29, 20212021 tags-azerbaijan tags-coronavirus tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-valiyevHow Much Should We Worry About a Resurrected Russia? More Than You Might Think685Kathryn StonerJanuary 14, 20212021 tags-russia tags-stoner tags-us-russian-relationsNested Games? 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The All-New Exploits of Russia’s “Private” Military Company670Kimberly MartenSeptember 15, 20202020 tags-belarus tags-central-african-republic tags-libya tags-marten tags-mozambique tags-russia tags-sudan tags-syria tags-ukraine tags-wagner-groupRussia’s Crumbling Power Vertical: Decreasing Disposable Income Drives Discontentment669Maria SnegovayaSeptember 11, 20202020 tags-russia tags-snegovayaOctober 2020 Parliamentary Elections: Georgia at the Crossroads668Beka ChediaSeptember 4, 20202020 tags-chedia tags-georgiaSoviet Legacy as Soft Power: Chinese Reception of Russian Political and Cultural Influence667Marlene Laruelle and Wei (Josh) LuoAugust 10, 20202020 tags-laruelle tags-luo tags-russian-chinese-relationsDivide and Co-Opt: Government-Opposition Relations in Azerbaijan in the Wake of COVID-19666Farid GuliyevJuly 30, 20202020 tags-azerbaijan tags-coronavirus tags-guliyevThe Baltic States and Energy Security: How Else Can the EU Foster Their Energy Resilience in the Face of Russian Pressure?665Gianmarco RivaJuly 24, 20202020 tags-baltic-sea-region tags-baltics tags-estonia tags-latvia tags-lithuania tags-riva tags-russiaCorruption, No Confidence, Poor Communication: How Governors Behaving Badly Will Impact Russia’s Regional Elections664Emily FerrisJuly 21, 20202020 tags-ferris tags-governors tags-russiaOrganizational Resilience: Russian Civil Society in the Times of COVID-19663Andrei Semenov and Vsevolod BedersonJuly 20, 20202020 tags-civil-society tags-covid-19 tags-russiaDo Black Lives Matter in Russia?662Peter RutlandJuly 13, 20202020 tags-blm tags-kazantsev tags-racism tags-russia tags-rutlandDigital Technologies and Authoritarian Regimes: A Case of Pothole Management in Moscow661Gulnaz Sharafutdinova and Nisan GorguluJuly 13, 20202020 tags-gorgulu tags-russia tags-sharafutdinovaAuthoritarian Learning: Making Sense Of Kazakhstan’s Political Transition660Azamat JunisbaiJuly 9, 20202020 tags-junisbai tags-kazakhstan tags-nazarbayev tags-tokayevNationalizing Russian (War) Memory Since 2014659Ivan KurillaJuly 6, 20202020 tags-kurilla tags-russia tags-us-russian-relations tags-world-war-iiLove with Nuances: Kazakhstani Views on Russia658Marlene Laruelle and Dylan RoyceJune 29, 20202020 tags-beyssembayev tags-kazakhstan tags-laruelle tags-mcglinchey tags-royce tags-russiaUnder the Cover of COVID-19: Reverse Irredentism Rising in East Ukraine’s “People’s Republics”657Mikhail AlexseevJune 25, 20202020 tags-alexseev tags-donbas tags-russia tags-ukraineRussian Federalism: Informal Elite Games Against Formal Democratic Institutions656Irina Busygina and Mikhail FilippovJune 22, 20202020 tags-busygina tags-filippov tags-russiaTeam Navalny and the Dynamics of Coercion: The Kremlin’s Reaction to Aleksei Navalny’s 2018 Presidential Campaign655Andrei SemenovJune 15, 20202020 tags-navalny tags-russia tags-semenovRussia’s Syrian Predicament Grows Unmanageable654Pavel BaevJune 5, 20202020 tags-baev tags-iran tags-russia tags-syria tags-turkeyDesignating the Russian Imperial Movement a Terrorist Organization: a Drop in the Bucket of Needed U.S. Counter-Extremism Responses653Mariya OmelichevaJune 1, 20202020 tags-counterterrorism tags-far-right tags-omelicheva tags-russia tags-us-russian-relationsUkraine Rides High While COVID-19 Lays Neighbors Low: But for How Long?652Ivan GomzaMay 18, 20202020 tags-coronavirus tags-gomza tags-ukraineGlobal Cities Versus Russian Rustbelt Realities651Stephen CrowleyMay 14, 20202020 tags-crowley tags-russiaRussia and Digital Surveillance in the Wake of COVID-19650Paul GoodeMay 4, 20202020 tags-coronavirus tags-goode tags-russiaVideo Surveillance and COVID-19 in Eurasia649Erica MaratMay 4, 20202020 tags-central-asia tags-coronavirus tags-eurasia tags-russiaPost-Revolution Armenia: New Generation, Old Problems648Alexander IskandaryanApril 30, 20202020 tags-armenia tags-iskandaryanIs Putin Emulating Azerbaijan in 2008-09? Modifying Term Limits Under Economic Uncertainty647Farid GuliyevApril 22, 20202020 tags-azerbaijan tags-guliyev tags-russiaThe Russian Power Vertical and the COVID-19 Challenge: The Trajectories of Regional Responses646Regina Smyth, Gulnaz Sharafutdinova, Aiden Klein and Timothy ModelApril 20, 20202020 tags-coronavirus tags-klein tags-model tags-russia tags-sharafutdinova tags-smythHow Autocracies Build Regulatory States645Dinissa DuvanovaApril 10, 20202020 tags-autocracies tags-duvanova tags-regulatory-policy tags-russiaVeto on Peace/Veto on War: President Zelensky’s Donbas Imbroglio644Sergiy KudeliaApril 3, 20202020 tags-kudelia tags-ukraineMasked Diplomacy: Xi and Putin Seek Advantage and Cover from the Pandemic643Elizabeth WishnickApril 1, 20202020 tags-china tags-coronavirus tags-russia tags-wishnickThe 2020 Oil Crash: Is Russia Still An Energy Superpower?642Peter RutlandMarch 27, 20202020 tags-oil-gas tags-russia tags-rutlandPost-Soviet State Responses to COVID-19: Making or Breaking Authoritarianism?641Marlene Laruelle and Madeline McCannMarch 27, 20202020 tags-coronavirus tags-covid-19 tags-laruelle tags-mccannTaming the Leviathan: How Russians Learn to Counter the State640Andrei SemenovMarch 20, 20202020 tags-medvedev tags-protest tags-russiaWhy Would the Kremlin Root for Bernie Sanders? Mistrust of Mass Politics and the Outward Projection of Domestic Insecurities639PONARS EurasiaMarch 19, 20202020 tags-elections-2020 tags-morozov tags-russia tags-us-russian-relationsPutin’s End Game?638Henry HaleMarch 11, 20202020 tags-hale tags-russiaDecentralization Reloaded in Ukraine? Opportunities and Challenges for its Latest Local Government Reform Project637Tetyana Malyarenko and Stefan WolffFebruary 24, 20202020 tags-malyarenko tags-ukraine tags-wolffTaking Russian Assertiveness Seriously: Letting the Data Speak636Stephan De Spiegeleire, Khrystyna Holynska and Yevhen SapolovychFebruary 13, 20202020 tags-hague-centre-strategic-studies tags-kyiv-school-economics tags-russia tags-stratbaseThe Role of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow’s Syrian Campaign635Dmitry AdamskyFebruary 10, 20202020 tags-adamsky tags-russia tags-russian-orthodox-church tags-syriaExplaining Bad Governance in Russia: Institutions and Incentives634Vladimir Gel'man and Margarita ZavadskayaJanuary 30, 2020tags-gelman-0 tags-zavadskayaRussia’s Response to Sanctions: Reciprocal, Asymmetrical, or Orthogonal?633Adam Stulberg and Jonathan DarseyJanuary 2, 20202020 tags-russia tags-sanctions tags-stulbergWestern Scholarship on the “Donbas Conflict”: Naming, Framing, and Implications632Volodymyr KulykDecember 16, 20192019 tags-kulyk tags-ukraineThe Implications of Redrawing the Chechnya-Ingushetia Border631Alexander IskandaryanDecember 11, 20192019 tags-chechnya tags-ingushetia tags-iskandaryan tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaQuestioning Sinophobia in Central Asia630Eric McGlincheyDecember 4, 20192019 tags-central-asia tags-kazakhstan tags-kyrgyzstan tags-mcglinchey tags-tajikistan tags-uzbekistanJustice Without a Blindfold: The Complex Politicization of a Notorious Ukrainian Court629Ivan GomzaDecember 3, 20192019 tags-gomza tags-law tags-ukraineLeadership Change and Protests in Russia’s Kalmykia: Moscow’s Corruptive Meddling and Its Discontents628Edward HollandDecember 2, 20192019 tags-holland tags-kalmykia tags-russiaThrough Europe’s Gate, Out of Russia’s Net: How Ukrainians’ Visa-Free EU Travel Offsets Moscow’s Disinformation627Mikhail AlexseevNovember 25, 20192019 tags-alexseev tags-ukraineThe US and Ukraine: A Partnership-in-Action: The Trump-Zelensky Indignity Failed to Derail Bilateral Cooperation626Volodymyr DubovykNovember 22, 20192019 tags-dubovyk tags-us-ukrainian-relations tags-ukraineThe Elusive Russian Nuclear Threshold625Nikolai SokovNovember 19, 20192019 tags-nuclear-arms tags-russia tags-russian-military-reform tags-sokovConnecting Human Rights and Conflict Resolution in Eastern Ukraine624Tetyana MalyarenkoNovember 13, 20192019 tags-donbas tags-malyarenko tags-ukraine tags-wolffFive Faces of Russia’s Soft Power: Far Left, Far Right, Orthodox Christian, Russophone, and Ethnoreligious Networks623Şener AktürkNovember 11, 20192019 tags-akturk tags-russia tags-soft-powerThe White Whale Chooses Freedom: Hard Choices in Opposing Russian Dominance in the Arctic622Pavel BaevOctober 29, 20192019 tags-arctic tags-baev tags-china tags-russiaAzerbaijan Through the Prism of BRI: China’s Mounting Interests and Influence in the Region621Anar ValiyevOctober 28, 20192019 tags-azerbaijan tags-china tags-oil-gas tags-south-caucasus tags-turkey tags-valiyevPutin and Xi: Ice Cream Buddies and Tandem Strongmen620Elizabeth WishnickOctober 25, 20192019 tags-china tags-russia tags-wishnickStatecraft Overachievement: Sources of Scares in U.S.-Russian Relations619Mikhail TroitskiyOctober 21, 20192019 tags-troitskiy tags-us-russian-relationsRussia and the Afghan Peace Process618Ekaterina StepanovaOctober 17, 20192019 tags-afghanistan tags-stepanovaCentral Asia and the EU Connectivity Strategy: Rising to the Good Governance Challenge617Nargis KassenovaOctober 9, 20192019 tags-central-asia tags-china tags-eu tags-kassenovaEstonia’s Russophones Tumble Between Two Populisms616Andrey MakarychevOctober 8, 20192019 tags-estonia tags-makarychev tags-nationalismRussia as a Bogeyman in Poland’s 2019 Domestic Political Wars615Alexandra YatsykOctober 4, 20192019 tags-poland tags-russia tags-yatsykWashington’s Security Assistance to Kyiv: Improving Long-Term Returns on Military Investments in Ukraine614Mariya OmelichevaSeptember 27, 20192019 tags-militarydefense tags-omelicheva tags-ukraineOn the (Belt &) Road to Failure? The Challenges of China’s Soft Power Policy in Central Asia (and Beyond)613Sebastien PeyrouseSeptember 25, 20192019 tags-belt-and-road-initiative tags-central-asia tags-china tags-peyrouseThe Georgian–Azerbaijani Monastery Dispute and Implications for the South Caucasus Region612Fuad ShahbazovSeptember 23, 20192019 tags-azerbaijan tags-david-gareja-monastery tags-georgia tags-zurabishviliGoodbye “Sashik-Fifty Percent”: Anti-Corruption Trends in the New Armenia611Nona ShahnazarianSeptember 20, 20192019 tags-armenia tags-pashinyan tags-shahnazarianChinese and Russian Creditors in Venezuela: Oil Collapse and Political Survival610Stephen B. KaplanSeptember 16, 20192019 tags-kaplan tags-russia tags-venezuelaWhen Conservatism and Nationalism Form the Spurs of Kremlin Ideology609Andrei ScherbackAugust 30, 20192019 tags-russia tags-shcherbakRuss-Afrique? Russia, France, and the Central African Republic608Kimberly MartenAugust 21, 20192019 tags-africa tags-central-african-republic tags-marten tags-russiaAll Quiet in Russian-Belarusian Relations607Arkady MoshesAugust 20, 20192019 tags-belarus tags-moshes tags-russiaBRI-illiance and BRI-ittleness: Hungary’s Success and Serbia’s Struggle with Chinese Trade Flows606Sebastian de QuantAugust 9, 20192019 tags-china tags-eastern-europe tags-germany tags-hungary tags-serbiaEscalation for De-Escalation? Hazy Nuclear-Weapon “Red Lines” Generate Russian Advantages605Polina SinovetsAugust 8, 20192019 tags-arms-controlnonproliferation tags-nuclear-arms tags-russia tags-sinovets tags-us-russia-relationsThe United States and Uzbekistan: Military-to-Military Relations in a New Era of Strategic Partnership604Mariya OmelichevaJuly 31, 20192019 tags-military tags-mirziyoyev tags-omelicheva tags-uzbekistanAre Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin Partners? 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StrakesJune 12, 20192019 tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-minsk-group tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-strakesThe State and the Human Body in Putin’s Russia: The Biopolitics of Authoritarian Revanche597Sergei MedvedevMay 30, 20192019 tags-medvedev tags-russiaToward the Possibility of a New U.S.-Russian “Reset”: Does Their Hot & Cold Past Foretell Their Future?596Ivan KurillaMay 28, 20192019 tags-kurilla tags-russia tags-us-russian-relationsPublic Opinion Paradoxes? Russians Are Increasingly Dubious About the Costs of Putin’s Foreign Policies595Harley BalzerMay 24, 20192019 tags-balzer tags-russiaDoes the March 2019 Sakha Pogrom Portend a Future of Ethnic Violence for Russia?594Richard ArnoldMay 20, 20192019 tags-ethnic-minorities tags-russia tags-sakha-republic tags-yakutiaExpectations for Kyiv-Moscow Relations After Ukraine’s Presidential Election593Emmanuel DreyfusMay 13, 20192019 tags-dreyfus tags-russia tags-ukraineRussia’s Struggle Over the Meaning of the 1990s and the Keys to Kremlin Power592Gulnaz SharafutdinovaMay 7, 20192019 tags-russia tags-sharafutdinovaRussia’s “Opposition at a Distance”: The Liberal, Anti-Putin, and Pro-Western Consortia Outside Russian Borders591Andrey MakarychevMay 1, 20192019 tags-makarychev tags-russiaWaving the EU Flag in Eurasia590Benjamin Forest and Juliet JohnsonApril 23, 20192019 tags-armenia tags-eu tags-georgia tags-johnson tags-moldova tags-russia tags-ukraineOligarchs and Western Sanctions: The Dilemmas Facing Russia’s Ultra Wealthy589Nigel Gould-DaviesApril 17, 20192019U.S. Arctic Policymaking Under Trump and Obama: Implications for Russia and China588Robert Orttung and Katherine WeingartnerApril 12, 20192019 tags-alaska tags-arctic tags-china tags-climate-change tags-orttung tags-russiaThe Politics of Dual Citizenship in Post-Soviet States: Securing Political Goals Through Citizenship Rules587Oxana ShevelApril 11, 20192019 tags-armenia tags-baltics tags-citizenship tags-kazakhstan tags-kyrgyzstan tags-moldova tags-russia tags-shevel tags-ukraineCentenary Anniversaries of Independence: Baltic, East European, and Caucasian Contexts586Andrey MakarychevMarch 29, 20192019 tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-baltics tags-caucasus tags-eastern-europe tags-georgia tags-makarychev tags-russiaBuyer Beware: Evaluating Russian Exports Under Sanctions and Stagnation585David SzakonyiMarch 29, 20192019 tags-economics tags-exports tags-oil-gas tags-russia tags-sanctions tags-szakonyiWhy Ethnic Politics in Russia Will Return584Guzel YusupovaMarch 26, 20192019 tags-ethnicity tags-minorities tags-russia tags-yusupovaWho Spearheads Patriotic Upbringing in Russia? On the Importance of School Teachers583Anna SaninaMarch 22, 20192019 tags-education tags-russia tags-saninaTransition Plans Gone Awry: Is the Downfall of Atambayev an Argument for Democracy?582Emil DzhuraevMarch 22, 20192019 tags-dzhuraev tags-kyrgyzstanRussia’s Avoidable Epidemic of HIV/AIDS581Judyth TwiggMarch 18, 20192019 tags-hivaids tags-russia tags-twiggWhy Authoritarianism Has Weak Chances in Ukraine580Yuriy MatsiyevskyMarch 8, 20192019 tags-matsiyevsky tags-ukraineBeyond Putin: Russia’s Generations Y and Z579Marlene LaruelleMarch 7, 20192019 tags-laruelle tags-russia tags-youthRussia’s Strategy in Southeast Asia578Dmitry Gorenburg and Paul SchwartzMarch 1, 20192019 tags-asean tags-asia tags-gorenburg tags-russiaThe Geopolitics of De Facto States577Harris MylonasFebruary 27, 20192019 tags-mylonasQuenching Fire with Gasoline: Why Flawed Terminology Will Not Help to Resolve the Ukraine Crisis576Ivan GomzaFebruary 22, 20192019 tags-driscoll tags-gomza tags-ukraineUkraine’s “Type 4” Conflict: Why Is It Important To Study Terminology Before Changing It?575Tymofii BrikFebruary 18, 20192019 tags-driscoll tags-russia tags-ukraineThe Health of the Nation—the Wealth of the Homeland! Turkmenistan’s Potemkin Healthcare System574Sebastien PeyrouseFebruary 13, 20192019 tags-peyrouse tags-turkmenistanInstitutional Trust in Kazakhstan versus Kyrgyzstan: How Divergent Trajectories Matter573Azamat Junisbai and Barbara JunisbaiFebruary 7, 20192019 tags-junisbai tags-kazakhstan tags-kyrgyzstanUkraine’s Civil War: Would Accepting This Terminology Help Resolve the Conflict?572Jesse DriscollFebruary 6, 20192019 tags-driscoll tags-ukraineRussia in the Eurasian Economic Union: Lack of Trust in Russia Limits the Possible571Irina BusyginaFebruary 5, 20192019 tags-busygina tags-eurasian-economic-unionChurch and Geopolitics: The Battle Over Ukrainian Autocephaly570Volodymyr KulykJanuary 31, 20192019 tags-kulyk tags-ukraineEvolving Dynamics and Conflict Potential in Eastern Ukraine569Tetyana MalyarenkoJanuary 29, 20192019 tags-malyarenko tags-ukraineHow the Trump Administration’s Contradictory Policies Impact Ukraine568Volodymyr DubovykJanuary 25, 20192019 tags-crimea tags-donbas tags-dubovyk tags-russia tags-us-russian-relations tags-ukraineDiminishing Returns: How Effective Are Sanctions Against Russia?567Stacy ClossonJanuary 23, 20192019 tags-closson tags-russia tags-sanctions tags-us-russian-relationsTerritory versus Reform Success: Why Reformers Are Better Positioned in Georgia than in Armenia566Julie GeorgeJanuary 18, 20192019 tags-armenia george tags-georgiaWhy the International Community Should Be More Accommodating to De Facto States565Eiki BergJanuary 17, 20192019 tags-abkhazia tags-berg tags-cyprus tags-kosovo tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-serbia tags-somaliland tags-south-ossetia tags-transnistria tags-vitsThe Use of Twitter Bots in Russian Political Communication564Richard Bonneau, Sergey Sanovich, Denis Stukal and Joshua TuckerJanuary 15, 20192019 tags-bonneau tags-russia tags-sanovich tags-social-media tags-stukal tags-tuckerWhose Cossacks Are They Anyway? A Movement Torn by the Ukraine-Russia Divide563Richard ArnoldJanuary 11, 20192019 tags-arnold tags-cossacks tags-russia tags-ukraineAttacks on Healthcare Infrastructure in the Donbas: Implications for Ukrainian State Legitimacy562Cynthia J. Buckley, Ralph S. Clem and Erik HerronJanuary 11, 20192019 tags-buckley tags-clem tags-donbas tags-herron tags-russia tags-ukraineInto Africa: Prigozhin, Wagner, and the Russian Military561Kimberly MartenJanuary 4, 20192019 tags-central-african-republic tags-deir-el-zour tags-libya tags-marten tags-russia tags-sufanCircumstances Have Changed Since 1991, but Russia’s Core Foreign Policy Goals Have Not560Dmitry GorenburgJanuary 3, 20192019 tags-gorenburg tags-russiaМожно ли на самом деле считать Россию «фашистской»? Комментарии на публикации Тимоти Снайдера539Marlene LaruelleDecember 22, 20182018 tags-d481 tags-d117Are Eurasian Conflicts Really All That Eurasian? Lessons for Scholars and Policymakers559George GavrilisDecember 20, 20182018 tags-gavrilis tags-moldova tags-russia tags-tajikistan tags-transnistria tags-ukraineTo Hack Abroad and Ban at Home: The Kremlin’s Cyber Activism558Alexandra YatsykDecember 19, 20182018 tags-russia tags-yatsykA Partnership Not in the Making: Ukrainian-Belarusian Relations After the Euromaidan557Ryhor Nizhnikau and Arkady MoshesDecember 18, 20182018What Putin’s Exit Could Mean for Chechnya: The Pitfalls of Kadyrov’s State-within-a-State556Mark KramerDecember 12, 20182018 tags-chechnya tags-kramer tags-russiaHow Do Ukrainians Want to End the Donbas War?555Mikhail AlexseevDecember 11, 20182018 tags-alexseev tags-ukraineWhy Russia’s Strategic Deception Is Popular: The Cultural Appeal of the Trickster554Xymena Kurowska and Anatoly ReshetnikovDecember 7, 20182018 tags-kurowska tags-morozov tags-reshetnikov tags-russiaBelarus Inside the Bear Hug | And Its Geopolitical Predicament After the Ukraine Crisis553Aliaksei KazharskiDecember 6, 20182018 tags-belarusWill Ukraine’s 2019 Elections Be a Turning Point? Unlikely, but Dangers Lurk552Petro Burkovskyi and Olexiy HaranNovember 29, 20182018 tags-burkovsky tags-haran tags-ukraineRussia’s Truckers and the Path from Economic to Political Protest551Stephen CrowleyNovember 28, 20182018 tags-crowley tags-russiaThe Nature and Sources of Terrorist Threat in Russia: An “Armed Underground” or ISIL?550Lawrence Markowitz and Mariya OmelichevaNovember 26, 20182018 tags-dagestan tags-markowitz tags-north-caucasus tags-omelicheva tags-russiaThe Kremlin’s New Man in Dagestan: Corruption Supplants Security as Moscow’s Chief Concern549Edward HollandNovember 21, 20182018 tags-dagestan tags-holland tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaThe Real or Imagined Infiltration of Fifth Columns in the Post-Soviet Region548Scott RadnitzNovember 16, 20182018 tags-fifth-column tags-radnitz tags-russiaU.S.-Russian Relations and the “New Cold War” Metaphor547Mark KramerNovember 16, 20182018 tags-kramer tags-us-russian-relationsDo Russians Trust their Police? Reform Must Start from the Top546Noah Buckley and Lauren McCarthyOctober 29, 20182018 tags-buckley tags-mccarthy tags-police-reform tags-russiaU.S. Disengagement from the South Caucasus: The Throne Is Never Vacant546Anar ValiyevOctober 26, 20182018 tags-azerbaijan tags-caspian-sea tags-china tags-georgia tags-iran tags-russia tags-south-caucasus tags-valiyevThe Cold War, Post-Cold War, and the Academy: Policy Recommendations from an Oral History of Russian and Eurasian Studies544Alexander Cooley and George GavrilisOctober 15, 20182018 tags-area-studies tags-cooley tags-gavrilis tags-political-scienceRussia’s Challenge: A Declining Power’s Quest for Status543Andrej KrickovicOctober 12, 20182018 tags-krickovic tags-russia tags-us-russian-relationsEnter Nikol Pashinyan: The Causes and Future Prospects of the 2018 Armenian Revolution542Georgi DerluguianOctober 9, 20182018 tags-armenia tags-derluguian tags-pashinyanEffective Anti-Corruption Messaging: Lessons from Ukraine541Jordan Gans-MorseOctober 4, 20182018 tags-gans-morse tags-ukraineChinese Artificial Intelligence Projects Expand in Eurasian Cities540Erica MaratSeptember 14, 20182018 tags-central-asia tags-eurasia tags-marat tags-technologyIs Russia Really “Fascist”? A Comment on Timothy SnyderMarlene LaruelleSeptember 5, 20182018 tags-laruelle tags-russiaRenewables in Kazakhstan and Russia: Promoting “Future Energy” or Entrenching Hydrocarbon Dependency?Natalie KochAugust 29, 20182018 tags-environment tags-kazakhstan tags-koch tags-oil-gas tags-russiaAdministrative Mobilization and the Dynamics of Electoral Manipulations on Putin’s Presidential ElectionKirill RogovAugust 20, 20182018 tags-elections tags-rogov tags-russiaProspects for U.S.-Russian Arms Control and Strategic StabilityPolina SinovetsAugust 10, 20182018 tags-arms-controlnonproliferation tags-sinovetsRussian Organized Crime and Electoral ProcessesPONARS EurasiaJuly 17, 20182018 tags-corruption tags-crime tags-elections tags-russia tags-sukharenkoКак западное дистанцирование привело к «узбекской весне» и как удержать ее на плавуEdward SchatzJuly 10, 20182018 tags-d431 tags-d623Why Uzbekistan’s New President Needs to Expand Access to Islamic EducationSebastien PeyrouseJuly 9, 20182018 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tags-counterterrorism tags-russia tags-syria tags-us-russian-relationsThe Do-or-Die Dilemma Facing Post-Soviet De Facto StatesEiki BergMay 1, 20182018 tags-abkhazia tags-armenia tags-berg tags-georgia tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-russia tags-south-ossetia tags-transnistria tags-vitsThe Anti-Russia Surge in U.S. Politics: Finding ContextIvan KurillaApril 26, 20182018 tags-kurilla tags-russia tags-us-russian-relationsUkraine’s 2017 Education Law Incites International Controversy Over Language StipulationVolodymyr KulykApril 19, 20182018 tags-education tags-hungary tags-kulyk tags-languages tags-romania tags-russia tags-ukraineHow to Strengthen Western Engagement in Central Asia: Spotlight on EU Education Assistance in UzbekistanSebastien PeyrouseApril 17, 20182018 tags-central-asia tags-eu tags-peyrouse tags-uzbekistanHow the West Should Respond to Russia’s “Borderization” in GeorgiaKornely KakachiaApril 15, 20182018 tags-abkhazia tags-eu tags-georgia tags-kakachia tags-russia tags-south-caucasus tags-south-ossetiaHow Russia’s Economic Recession Benefits Moscow Politically in its “Near Abroad”Mariya OmelichevaApril 10, 20182018 tags-armenia tags-belarus tags-kazakhstan tags-kyrgyzstan tags-moldova tags-omelicheva tags-russia tags-turkmenistan tags-ukraine tags-uzbekistanHow the US and EU Can Make the Kremlin Rethink Its Options in Ukraine’s DonbasOlexiy HaranApril 2, 20182018 tags-burkovsky tags-eu tags-russia tags-us-russian-relations tags-ukraineRussian Foreign Election Interventions Since 1991Lucan WayMarch 29, 20182018 tags-elections tags-russia tags-wayThe Enigmatic Connection Between Education and Civic Apathy in AzerbaijanFarid GuliyevMarch 28, 20182018 tags-azerbaijan tags-education tags-guliyevRussian Immigration Control: Symbol Over SubstanceCaress SchenkMarch 16, 20182018 tags-migration tags-russiaТема внешнего вмешательства в российской и американской внутренней политике: Теории заговора и зеркальные обвинения оппонентаSerghei GolunovMarch 15, 20182018 tags tags-d570 tags-d559Ukraine’s Regime Is Less Stable than It Was under Yanukovych: A Third Year ComparisonYuriy MatsiyevskyMarch 13, 20182018 tags-matsiyevsky tags-ukraineRussian and American Far Right Connections: Confluence, Not InfluenceMarlene LaruelleMarch 12, 20182018 tags-alt-right tags-far-right tags-laruelle tags-us-russian-relationsEurope in Crisis: “Old,” “New,” or Incomplete?Andrey MakarychevMarch 9, 20182018 tags-czech-republic tags-eu tags-europe tags-hungary tags-makarychev tags-poland tags-russia tags-slovakia tags-visegrad-fourРоссийские ядерное оружие и новые возможности для диалога в области контроля над вооружениямиPolina SinovetsMarch 9, 20182018 tags-d522 tags-d543Russia’s Anti-American Propaganda in the Euromaidan EraAlexandra YatsykMarch 7, 20182018 tags-russia tags-us-russian-relations tags-yatsykHow the Kremlin Is Using the Moscow Renovation Project to Reward and Punish VotersRegina SmythMarch 6, 20182018 tags-russia tags-smythExternal Interference 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Evidence From a New Survey in Georgia and KazakhstanScott RadnitzDecember 20, 20172017 tags-conspiracy-theories tags-georgia tags-kazakhstan tags-radnitzEscaping the Energy Sanctions Tangle: Gas Networks & Off-Ramps from Escalation in US-EU-Russia RelationsAdam StulbergDecember 19, 20172017 tags-russia tags-us-russian-relationsThe Case for Ambiguous Agreements in U.S.-Russian RelationsMikhail TroitskiyDecember 8, 20172017 tags-russia tags-troitskiy tags-us-russian-relationsПодъем монополий: Процесс укрупнения в российской экономикеDavid SzakonyiDecember 4, 20172017 tags-d485 tags-d117Границы Средней Азии: Следующие двадцать пять летGeorge GavrilisNovember 30, 20172017 tags-d14 tags-d149 tags-d431 tags-d156Indigenously Funded Russian Civil SocietyDebra JavelineNovember 30, 20172017 tags-javeline tags-ngos tags-russiaВнесудебное насилие в Донбассе и его последствия для УкраиныSergiy KudeliaNovember 27, 20172017Russia’s Military Modernization Plans: 2018-2027Dmitry GorenburgNovember 22, 20172017 tags-gorenburg tags-navy tags-russia tags-russian-military-reformRussia’s Entanglement in Syria: A Protracted, Extreme Stress Factor for the Russian NavyPavel BaevNovember 22, 20172017 tags-baev tags-russia tags-russian-military-reform tags-russian-navyПомощь США Средней Азии в обеспечении безопасности: оценка ограничений, поиск возможностейMariya OmelichevaNovember 17, 20172017 tags-d352 tags-d149 tags-d537 tags-d70 tags-d107 tags-d431 tags-d156Евразийская семья против европейских ценностей: Геополитические корни «анти-гендеризма» в Армении2Nona ShahnazarianNovember 15, 20172017 tags-d77 tags-d616 tags-d181 tags-d71 tags-d117 tags-d50The Kremlin’s Ideological Ecosystems: Equilibrium and CompetitionMarlene LaruelleNovember 14, 20172017 tags-laruelle tags-russiaБогатые урожаи в Евразии: Почему некоторые хозяйства в России, Украине, Белоруссии и Армении преуспевают несмотря на институциональные пр?Susanne WengleNovember 14, 20172017 tags-d77 tags-d124 tags-d511 tags-d117 tags-d62Central Asia’s Borders: The Next Twenty-Five YearsGeorge GavrilisNovember 6, 20172017 tags-afghanistan tags-central-asia tags-kyrgyzstan tags-uzbekistanMonopolies Rising: Consolidation in the Russian EconomyDavid SzakonyiNovember 2, 20172017 tags-russia tags-szakonyiЧто порождает “твердых демократов” в Казахстане и Кыргызстане?Barbara JunisbaiNovember 1, 20172017 tags-d549 tags-d352 tags-d149Катар и Центральная Азия: Что поставлено на карту в Таджикистане, Туркмении и Казахстане?Natalie KochOctober 31, 20172017 tags-d14 tags-d352 tags-d307 tags-d149 tags-d70 tags-d431 tags-d156Plentiful Harvests in Eurasia: Why Some Farms in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and Armenia Are Thriving Despite Institutional ChallengesSusanne WengleOctober 27, 20172017 tags-agriculture tags-armenia tags-belarus tags-russia tags-ukraine tags-wengleWhat Makes “Ardent Democrats” in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan?Barbara JunisbaiOctober 24, 20172017 tags-junisbai tags-kazakhstan tags-kyrgyzstanEurasian Family versus European Values: The Geopolitical Roots of “Anti-Genderism” in ArmeniaNona ShahnazarianOctober 20, 20172017 tags-armenia tags-eu tags-gender tags-russia tags-shahnazarian tags-south-caucasusU.S. Security Assistance to Central Asia: Examining Limits, Exploring OpportunitiesMariya OmelichevaOctober 13, 20172017 tags-afghanistan tags-central-asia tags-kazakhstan tags-kyrgyzstan tags-omelicheva tags-tajikistanExtrajudicial Violence in Donbas and Its Consequences for UkraineSergiy KudeliaOctober 13, 20172017 tags-kudelia tags-russia tags-ukraineДействуют ли Россия и Китай сообща в Южной Европе?Elizabeth WishnickOctober 10, 20172017 tags-d96 tags-d489 tags-d360 tags-d384 tags-d448 tags-d102 tags-d98 tags-d117 tags-d4Путинская кампания по ре-национализации: борьба с коррупцией или принуждение чиновников к лояльности?Hilary AppelOctober 9, 20172017 tags-d505 tags-d137 tags-d31 tags-d117Есть ли смысл ожидать «цветную революцию» в Беларуси?Arkady MoshesOctober 6, 20172017 tags-d124 tags-d37Does It Make Sense to Expect a Color Revolution in Belarus?Arkady MoshesOctober 6, 20172017Qatar and Central Asia: What’s at Stake in Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Kazakhstan?Natalie KochSeptember 28, 20172017 tags-afghanistan tags-central-asia tags-kazakhstan tags-koch tags-kyrgyzstan tags-tajikistan tags-turkmenistan tags-uzbekistanЕсть ли выход из тупика, в который зашли Минские соглашения?Oleksandr SushkoSeptember 13, 20172017 tags-d41 tags-d62Русский мир, пост-правда и ЕвропаAndrey MakarychevSeptember 11, 20172017 tags-d82 tags-d117 tags-d397Почему противоречия на Южном Кавказе остаются неразрешенными?Sergei MarkedonovSeptember 8, 20172017 tags-d114 tags-d47 tags-d77 tags-d48 tags-d181 tags-d71 tags-d21 tags-d76 tags-d129 tags-d117 tags-d279Болезненный переход Азербайджана к постнефтяной эре: внутренние и международные ограничителиFarid GuliyevSeptember 8, 20172017 tags-d47 tags-d452Донор без влияния: Европейский союз в Средней АзииSebastien PeyrouseSeptember 2, 20172017 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tags-greece tags-italy tags-poland tags-russia tags-spain tags-turkey tags-wishnickИнтервенция в Сирии как инструмент российской политики давления на ЕСPavel BaevJune 16, 20172017 tags-d315 tags-d203 tags-d181 tags-d159 tags-d533 tags-d117 tags-d56 tags-d4 tags-d506A Donor without Influence: The European Union in Central AsiaSebastien PeyrouseJune 16, 20172017 tags-central-asia tags-eu tags-peyrouseНовый неядерный потенциал России: значение для Евразии и всей планетыNikolai SokovJune 13, 20172017 tags-d507 tags-d117 tags-d56 tags-d355The Russian World, Post-Truth, and EuropeAndrey MakarychevJune 12, 20172017 tags-eu tags-makarychev tags-russiaВойна в мире, где правды больше не существует: Уроки украинского конфликтаYuri ZhukovJune 6, 20172017 tags-d229 tags-d454 tags-d272 tags-d117 tags-d62Новые возможности в отношениях Армения-ЕСJune 5, 20172017 tags-d77 tags-d181 tags-d61 tags-d117 tags-d401Как ЕС может помочь Украине добиться верховенства права и победить коррупцию: пример Румынии и 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tags-d214Azerbaijan’s Uneasy Transition to a Post-Oil Era: Domestic and International ConstraintsFarid GuliyevMay 16, 20172017 tags-azerbaijan tags-guliyevКолеблющийся партнер: к вопросу о грузинско-немецких отношенияхKornely KakachiaMay 16, 20172017 tags-d125 tags-d48 tags-d181 tags-d83 tags-d129Попытки Кремля удержать контроль над регионами: результат вызывает сомненияOra John ReuterMay 16, 20172017 tags-d532 tags-d117Is There a Way Out of the Minsk Agreement Deadlock?Oleksandr SushkoMay 15, 20172017 tags-sushko tags-ukraineРост напряженности между Западом и Россией в АрктикеElizabeth WishnickMay 12, 20172017 tags-d95 tags-d575 tags-d129 tags-d570Old Political Habits Die Hard in UkraineYuriy MatsiyevskyMay 3, 20172017 tags-matsiyevsky tags-ukraineRussia’s New Conventional Capability: Implications for Eurasia and BeyondNikolai SokovMay 1, 20172017 tags-russia tags-russian-military-reform tags-sokov tags-syriaПамять и язык: разная политика Украины по двум спорным вопросамVolodymyr KulykApril 18, 20172017 tags-d351 tags-d62Warfare in a Post-Truth World: Lessons from UkraineYuri ZhukovApril 14, 20172017 tags-crimea tags-donbas tags-russia tags-ukraine tags-zhukovPressure Points: The Syria Intervention as an Instrument of Russia’s EU PolicyPavel BaevApril 11, 20172017 tags-assad tags-baev tags-eu tags-iran tags-kurds tags-russia tags-syria tags-turkeyОтравленный кубок: Минские договоренности подспудно дестабилизируют УкраинуMikhail AlexseevApril 10, 20172017 tags-d207 tags-d229 tags-d117 tags-d62How Can the EU Help Ukraine Build the Rule of Law and Fight Corruption? Romania and Bulgaria as GuidepostsMaria PopovaApril 7, 20172017 tags-corruption tags-eu tags-popova tags-ukrainePolitical and Social Attitudes of Russia’s Muslims: Caliphate, Kadyrovism, or Kasha?Theodore GerberApril 5, 20172017 tags-chechnya tags-gerber tags-muslims tags-north-caucasus tags-russia tags-zaviscaРоссийское конвенциональное сдерживание: Расширенный инструмент для ведения боевых действий и политическая стратегияApril 5, 20172017 tags-d61 tags-d117 tags-d56How Kremlin Efforts to Control the Regions May Be BackfiringOra John ReuterMarch 29, 20172017 tags-reuter tags-russiaЕвроПРО и Россия: Остались ли шансы для диалога?Polina SinovetsMarch 29, 20172017 tags-d48 tags-d129 tags-d563 tags-d117 tags-d332 tags-d67 tags-d62Russia’s Conventional Deterrence: An Enhanced Tool for both Warfighting and Political StrategyMarch 24, 20172017 tags-minasyan tags-russia tags-syriaWhy Tensions in the South Caucasus Remain UnresolvedSergei MarkedonovMarch 22, 20172017 tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-eu tags-georgia tags-markedonov tags-us-russian-relationsTensions with Russia Heat up the Melting ArcticElizabeth WishnickMarch 16, 20172017 tags-arctic tags-nato tags-russia tags-us-russian-relations tags-wishnickA Reluctant Partner: Georgian-German Relations RevisitedKornely KakachiaMarch 10, 20172017 tags-eu tags-georgia tags-germany tags-kakachia tags-natoКоллапс «евразийского вектора» в Украине и нарастание пронатовских настроенийOlexiy HaranMarch 8, 20172017 tags-d60 tags-d181 tags-d186 tags-d129 tags-d117 tags-d495 tags-d62Memory and Language: Ukraine’s Divergent Policies on Two Controversial IssuesVolodymyr KulykMarch 7, 20172017 tags-kulyk tags-ukrianeBrexit and its Impact on Azerbaijan: Will East-West Integration be Harmed?Anar ValiyevFebruary 24, 20172017 tags-azerbaijan tags-brexit tags-valiyevConditionality Beyond Sanctions: Identifying and Pursuing Interests in the EU-Russia RelationshipSamuel GreeneFebruary 22, 20172017 tags-greene tags-russia tags-us-russian-relationsIs Ukraine a “Client State” of the United States?Volodymyr DubovykFebruary 16, 20172017 tags-dubovyk tags-ukraineThe Demise of Ukraine’s “Eurasian Vector” and the Rise of Pro-NATO SentimentOlexiy HaranFebruary 16, 20172017 tags-association-agreement tags-eu tags-haran tags-nato tags-russia tags-ukraine tags-zolkinaThe European Missile Defense System and Russia: Can There Be Dialogue Rather Than an Arms Race?Polina SinovetsFebruary 16, 20172017 tags-georgia tags-missile-defense tags-nato tags-russia tags-sinovets tags-us-russian-relations tags-ukraineРоссия-ЕС: Quo Vadis? Без перемен, нормализация или ухудшениеArkady MoshesFebruary 10, 20172017 tags-d181 tags-d37 tags-d117 tags-d62Как и почему Россия и США могут сотрудничать в противодействии терроризмуEkaterina StepanovaFebruary 9, 20172017 tags-d14 tags-d421 tags-d443 tags-d117 tags-d56 tags-d33 tags-d67 tags-d370Не все негативно: Гибкое освещение протестов в российских СМИ как стратегия выживания режимаTomila LankinaFebruary 8, 20172017 tags-d229 tags-d283 tags-d316 tags-d117 tags-d341 tags-d62Советские корни российского вмешательства в политику СШАMark KramerFebruary 7, 20172017 tags-d237 tags-d117 tags-d256 tags-d67A Poisoned Chalice: How the Minsk Accords Destabilize UkraineMikhail AlexseevFebruary 6, 20172017 tags-alexseevРоссийское и китайское влияние в «общем пограничье»Serghei GolunovFebruary 3, 20172017 tags-d535 tags-d352 tags-d102 tags-d349 tags-d117Стратегическая солидарность: Как Центральная Азия реагирует на уговоры КремляScott RadnitzFebruary 1, 20172017 tags-d352 tags-d180 tags-d300 tags-d117 tags-d70 tags-d107 tags-d431 tags-d156Eurasia’s CSTO and SCO: A Failure to Address the Trafficking/Terrorism NexusMariya OmelichevaJanuary 31, 20172017 tags-central-asia tags-china tags-csto tags-kazakhstan tags-kyrgyzstan tags-russia tags-sco tags-tajikistan tags-uzbekistanEU-Russia Relations: Quo Vadis? Muddling, Normalization, or DeteriorationArkady MoshesJanuary 30, 20172017 tags-eu tags-moshes tags-russia tags-us-russian-relations tags-ukraineСтратегический расчет России: восприятие угрозы и военная доктринаDmitry GorenburgJanuary 24, 20172017 tags-d74 tags-d129 tags-d117 tags-d67Как повысить самооценку на мировой арене: международный статус как важная цель в российско-американских отношенияхMikhail TroitskiyJanuary 23, 20172017 tags-d95 tags-d421 tags-d159 tags-d117 tags-d56 tags-d67 tags-d35Турция и Россия, Эрдоган и ПутинAyse ZarakolJanuary 20, 20172017 tags-d52 tags-d117 tags-d67 tags-d4Russian and Chinese Influences in Shared BorderlandsSerghei GolunovJanuary 19, 20172017 tags-china tags-golunov tags-kazakhstan tags-mongolia tags-north-korea tags-russiaThe Soviet Roots of Meddling in U.S. PoliticsMark KramerJanuary 13, 20172017 tags-kramer tags-russia tags-us-russian-relationsДефицит доверия – главный ограничитель для российско-китайского квази-союзаPavel BaevJanuary 3, 20172017 tags-d203 tags-d102 tags-d117Strategic Solidarity: How Central Asia Responds to the Kremlin’s ExhortationsScott RadnitzNovember 29, 2016tags-central-asia tags-kazakhstan tags-kyrgyzstan tags-radnitz tags-russia tags-tajikistan tags-turkmenistan tags-uzbekistanHow and Why the United States and Russia Can Cooperate on TerrorismEkaterina StepanovaNovember 23, 2016tags-russia tags-us-russian-relationsIt’s Not All Negative: Russian Media’s Flexible Coverage of Protest as a Regime Survival StrategyTomila LankinaNovember 15, 2016tags-lankina tags-russia tags-russian-media tags-ukraineRussia’s Strategic Calculus: Threat Perceptions and Military DoctrineDmitry GorenburgNovember 11, 2016tags-gorenburg tags-russia tags-russian-military-reform tags-us-russian-relationsMistrust Sets Low Ceiling for Russia-China Partnership: Deconstructing the Putin-Xi Jinping RelationshipPavel BaevNovember 8, 2016tags-baev tags-china tags-russiaРусский патриотизм без патриотов? 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KochOctober 17, 2016tags-d47 tags-d214 tags-d352 tags-d307 tags-d149 tags-d107Counter-Radicalization Policies in Central Asia: The Good, The Bad, and The UglyGeorge GavrilisOctober 6, 2016tags-central-asia tags-gavrilis tags-kazakhstan tags-tajikistan tags-turkmenistan tags-uzbekistanRestructuring Extractive Economies in the Caspian Basin: Too Little, Too Late?Natalie KochSeptember 29, 2016tags-azerbaijan tags-kazakhstan tags-koch tags-turkmenistan tags-valiyevРоссия и китайский «шелковый путь»: к какому соглашению придут партнеры?Irina KobrinskayaSeptember 20, 2016tags-d529 tags-d102 tags-d151 tags-d117 tags-d432Лукашенко «дрейфует на Запад»: Почему Москве не о чем волноватьсяArkady MoshesSeptember 20, 2016tags-d124 tags-d181 tags-d37 tags-d117«Суверенная глобализация» России: Обособление, влияние и упадокPONARS EurasiaSeptember 19, 2016tags-d113 tags-d338 tags-d466 tags-d117 tags-d4Избирательный цикл 2016–2018 годов в России: вовлеченность населения в протестный потенциалRegina SmythSeptember 16, 2016tags-d172 tags-d512 tags-d117 tags-d276Lukashenko’s “Drift To The West”: Why Moscow Should Not Be WorriedArkady MoshesSeptember 14, 2016tags-belarus tags-eu tags-moshes tags-russiaРоссия и ее «понимающие» союзники: Дискурсы, коммуникация, последствияAndrey MakarychevSeptember 13, 2016tags-d435 tags-d82 tags-d31 tags-d117 tags-d62Is Russia Coming to Terms with China’s “Silk Road”?Irina KobrinskayaSeptember 6, 2016tags-central-asia tags-china tags-eurasian-economic-union tags-russia tags-silk-roadНовое правительство в Украине: возможность перемен или путь к новым досрочным выборам?Olexiy HaranSeptember 5, 2016tags-d60 tags-d301 tags-d480 tags-d62Работа над ошибками: новая стратегия Кремля на авторитарных выборах 2016 годаVladimir Gel'manSeptember 2, 2016tags-d172 tags-d84 tags-d117Russia’s 2016-2018 Election Cycle: Popular Engagement and Protest PotentialRegina SmythAugust 31, 2016tags-elections tags-russia tags-smythCorrection of Errors: How the Kremlin 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What We Know So FarAyse ZarakolJuly 18, 2016tags-turkey tags-zarakolEveryday Patriotism and Putin’s Foreign PolicyPaul GoodeJuly 12, 2016tags-goode tags-russiaThe Tale of Three Legitimacies: The Shifting Tone and Enduring Substance of Moscow’s Ukraine PolicyMikhail AlexseevJune 20, 2016tags-alexseev tags-russiaThe Kremlin’s Arctic Plans: More Gutted than GrandSergei MedvedevJune 7, 2016tags-arctic tags-medvedev tags-russia«Возвращение Сталина»: Как понять обострение исторической политики в России?Ivan KurillaJune 2, 2016tags-d101 tags-d53 tags-d12 tags-d117Переговоры в скрытых конфликтах: Достоинства и недостатки «правдоподобного обмана»Mikhail TroitskiyMay 20, 2016tags-d117 tags-d35 tags-d62Найдется ли Северной Корее место в российском “повороте на Восток?”Serghei GolunovMay 19, 2016tags tags-d102 tags-d117 tags-d442 tags-d487 tags-d254The “Return of Stalin”: Understanding the Surge of Historical Politics in RussiaIvan KurillaMay 19, 2016tags-kurilla tags-russiaDoes North Korea Have a Place in Russia’s “Turn to the East”?Serghei GolunovMay 10, 2016tags-china tags-golunov tags-japan tags-north-korea tags-russia tags-south-koreaРоссийско-американское межлабораторное сотрудничество: Оглядываясь на четверть века конструктивных отношенийAlla KassianovaMay 6, 2016tags-d414 tags-d117 tags-d67Потепление отношения США к евразийским интеграционным проектам России и КитаяPONARS EurasiaApril 20, 2016tags-d14 tags-d529 tags-d470 tags-d102 tags-d465 tags-d117 tags-d194 tags-d156Демонстрация возросшего военного потенциала РФ в СирииDmitry GorenburgApril 16, 2016tags-d74 tags-d117 tags-d56Может ли сработать российский мирный план по Сирии?George GavrilisApril 15, 2016tags-d79 tags-d181 tags-d117 tags-d56 tags-d67 tags-d4Является ли ислам вызовом для легитимности правительства Узбекистана?Sebastien PeyrouseApril 14, 2016tags-d39 tags-d431 tags-d156Negotiation in a Stealth Conflict: The Pros and Cons of Plausible DeniabilityMikhail TroitskiyApril 11, 2016tags-russia tags-troitskiy tags-us-russian-relations tags-ukraineHow Washington Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Eurasian IntegrationPONARS EurasiaApril 8, 2016tags-afghanistan tags-central-asia tags-china tags-eurasia tags-eurasian-economic-union tags-mankoff tags-russiaU.S.-Russia Nuclear Lab-to-Lab Cooperation: Looking Back on a Quarter Century of Constructive RelationsAlla KassianovaMarch 21, 2016tags-kassianova tags-nuclear-arms tags-russia tags-us-russian-relationsWhat Russia’s Military Operation in Syria Can Tell Us About Advances in its CapabilitiesDmitry GorenburgMarch 18, 2016tags-gorenburg tags-russia tags-syriaСирийская кампания России: Стратегический гамбит или региональный цугцванг?March 8, 2016tags-d61 tags-d117 tags-d56Russia’s Syrian Campaign: Strategic Gambit or Regional Zugzwang?March 8, 2016tags-minasyan tags-russia tags-syria tags-turkeyУкраина: «моргнет» ли Европа первой?Arkady MoshesMarch 3, 2016tags-d181 tags-d37 tags-d117 tags-d62Will Europe Blink First on Ukraine?Arkady MoshesMarch 3, 2016tags-eu tags-moshes tags-russia tags-ukraineПолитика России по Сирии на этапе военного вмешательстваEkaterina StepanovaFebruary 24, 2016tags-d117 tags-d56 tags-d33Russia’s Policy on Syria after the Start of Military EngagementEkaterina StepanovaFebruary 24, 2016tags-russia tags-stepanova tags-syria tags-us-russian-relations tags-ukraineCan Russia’s Peace Plan for Syria Work?George GavrilisFebruary 12, 2016tags-gavrilis tags-russia tags-syria tags-turkey tags-us-russian-relationsDoes Islam Challenge the Legitimacy of Uzbekistan’s Government?Sebastien PeyrouseFebruary 10, 2016tags-peyrouse tags-uzbekistanВнешнеполитические последствия внутреннего национализма евразийских государств2Eric McGlincheyFebruary 1, 2016tags-d352 tags-d149 tags-d67 tags-d70 tags-d431 tags-d156Foreign Policy Consequences of Homegrown Eurasian NationalismEric McGlincheyFebruary 1, 2016tags-kyrgyzstan tags-mcglinchey tags-tajikistanСуществует ли блок незападных государств, который могла бы возглавить 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Теории заговора в российских геополитических учебникахSerghei GolunovFebruary 10, 2015tags tags-d97 tags-d117What Should Students Know about Russia’s Enemies? Conspiracy Theories in Russian Geopolitical TextbooksSerghei GolunovFebruary 3, 2015tags-golunov tags-russiaНовороссия: трамплин для русских националистовMarlene LaruelleOctober 21, 2014tags-d121 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d62После российско-украинской войны: есть ли приемлемое решение?Oleksandr SushkoOctober 21, 2014tags-d117 tags-d41 tags-d62Подходы к строительству государства и нации в политике России по отношению к УкраинеYulia NikitinaOctober 13, 2014tags-d64 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d62Наступление на Интернет в России и выводы для политики стран ЗападаMark KramerOctober 4, 2014tags-d237 tags-d97 tags-d117Украинский кризис и балтийский регион: расширение конфликности?Andrey MakarychevOctober 4, 2014tags-d157 tags-d192 tags-d82 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d118Украина: тенденции и региональные динамики народонаселения, здравоохранения и миграцииJudyth TwiggOctober 4, 2014tags-d97 tags-d308 tags-d62Позиция Азербайджана по украинскому кризису: балансирование между Западом и РоссиейAnar ValiyevOctober 1, 2014tags-d47 tags-d214 tags-d76 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d62Украинский кризис: последствия для ГрузииKornely KakachiaSeptember 28, 2014tags-d48 tags-d83 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d62Исключения подтверждают правило: Украина, Ирак и судьба межгосударственных границGeorge GavrilisSeptember 26, 2014tags-d79 tags-d268 tags-d272 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d56Как иммиграция способствует трансформации России в ассимиляционистское национальное государствоŞener AktürkSeptember 26, 2014tags-d255 tags-d97 tags-d117Внутренние источники вооруженного конфликта на ДонбассеSergiy KudeliaSeptember 26, 2014tags-d17 tags-d97 tags-d62Психологическая логика затяжного конфликта в УкраинеScott RadnitzSeptember 26, 2014tags-d97 tags-d300 tags-d117 tags-d62Роль эмоций и сознания в общественной динамике и поляризации отношений между востоком и западомGulnaz SharafutdinovaSeptember 26, 2014tags-d181 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d67 tags-d178За и против: восприятие США в четырех постсоветских государствахTheodore GerberSeptember 25, 2014tags-d47 tags-d180 tags-d117 tags-d62Украинская безопасность в будущем: каковы опции?Volodymyr DubovykSeptember 25, 2014tags-d392 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d67 tags-d62Внимание к провинции: География политических инициатив в ЕвразииKelly McMannSeptember 22, 2014tags-d292 tags-d326 tags-d97 tags-d62К дальнейшему укреплению российско-китайского квази-стратегического псевдо-партнерстваPavel BaevSeptember 22, 2014tags-d203 tags-d102 tags-d97 tags-d117Беларусь и ее новое подчинение России: Безоговорочная капитуляция или жесткий торг?Arkady MoshesSeptember 22, 2014tags-d124 tags-d37 tags-d97 tags-d117Борьба с цветными революциями: Новая российская стратегия безопасности и как на нее следует реагировать СШАDmitry GorenburgSeptember 22, 2014tags-d74 tags-d97 tags-d117Осмеливающиеся протестовать: Когда, почему и как граждане России участвуют в уличных протестахTomila LankinaSeptember 22, 2014tags-d316 tags-d97 tags-d117«Великая российская стена»? Потенциальные последствия введения визового режима между РФ и рядом стран СНГSerghei GolunovSeptember 19, 2014tags tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d156«Сила Сибири»: Мечта о трубе сбываетсяElizabeth WishnickSeptember 19, 2014tags-d96 tags-d102 tags-d97 tags-d117Природный газ и кризис в Украине: От Realpolitik к сетевой дипломатииAdam StulbergSeptember 19, 2014tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d163 tags-d62Российская внешняя политика: Традиционные векторы в новой геополитической ситуацииIrina KobrinskayaSeptember 19, 2014tags-d181 tags-d151 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d67 tags-d62Гнев и предубеждение после захвата заложников в школе БесланаDebra JavelineSeptember 16, 2014tags-d350 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d1Феномен Порошенко: Выборы и вызовыOlexiy HaranSeptember 16, 2014tags-d60 tags-d97 tags-d301 tags-d62Трудное возрождение политической оппозиции в РоссииVladimir Gel'manSeptember 16, 2014tags-d84 tags-d97 tags-d117На пути к 2015 г.: Может ли поминовение жертв геноцида привести к турецко-армянскому примирению?September 16, 2014tags-d77 tags-d61 tags-d97 tags-d4Закон о «реабилитации нацизма»: Его смысл и ожидаемые последствияIvan KurillaSeptember 15, 2014tags-d53 tags-d97 tags-d117Не лидеры, не подчиненные: Подходы России, Китая и Индии к сотрудничеству и конфликту с ЗападомMikhail TroitskiySeptember 15, 2014tags-d281 tags-d102 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d35По ту сторону антизападничества: Кремлёвский нарратив о европейской идентичности и миссии РоссииMarlene LaruelleSeptember 15, 2014tags-d121 tags-d97 tags-d117Novorossiya: A Launching Pad for Russian NationalistsMarlene LaruelleSeptember 15, 2014tags-laruelle tags-russia tags-ukraineAfter the Ukraine-Russia War: Is There a Sustainable Solution?Oleksandr SushkoSeptember 15, 2014tags-russia tags-sushko tags-ukraineEmotions, Cognition, and the Societal Dynamics of East-West PolarizationGulnaz SharafutdinovaSeptember 15, 2014tags-russia tags-sharafutdinovaPro et Contra: Views of the United States in Four Post-Soviet StatesTheodore GerberSeptember 15, 2014tags-azerbaijan tags-central-asia tags-gerber tags-kyrgyzstan tags-russia tags-ukraine tags-zaviscaUkraine’s Future Security: What are the Options?Volodymyr DubovykSeptember 15, 2014tags-dubovyk tags-ukraineAzerbaijan’s Balancing Act in the Ukraine CrisisAnar ValiyevSeptember 15, 2014tags-azerbaijan tags-ukraine tags-valiyevDomestic Sources of the Donbas InsurgencySergiy KudeliaSeptember 15, 2014tags-kudelia tags-ukraineThe Clampdown on Internet Activities in Russia and the Implications for Western PolicyMark KramerSeptember 15, 2014tags-kramer tags-russiaThe Ukraine Crisis: Repercussions for GeorgiaKornely KakachiaSeptember 15, 2014tags-georgia tags-kakachia tags-ukraineApproaches to State- and Nation-Building in Russia’s Ukraine PolicyYulia NikitinaSeptember 15, 2014tags-nikitina tags-russia tags-ukraineHow Immigration Aids Russia’s Transformation into an Assimilationist Nation-StateŞener AktürkSeptember 15, 2014tags-akturk tags-russiaExceptions Prove the Rule: Ukraine, Iraq, and the Fate of International BordersGeorge GavrilisSeptember 15, 2014tags-gavrilis tags-iraq tags-ukraineThe Crisis in Ukraine and the Baltic Sea Region: A Spillover of the Conflict?Andrey MakarychevSeptember 15, 2014tags-baltics tags-estonia tags-latvia tags-lithuania tags-makarychevUkraine: Trends and Regional Dynamics in Population, Health, and MigrationJudyth TwiggSeptember 9, 2014tags-twigg tags-ukraineThe Psychological Logic of Protracted Conflict in UkraineScott RadnitzSeptember 8, 2014tags-radnitz tags-ukraineCountering Color Revolutions: Russia’s New Security Strategy and its Implications for U.S. PolicyDmitry GorenburgSeptember 8, 2014tags-gorenburg tags-russiaДолгосрочные перспективы вступления Украины в Европейский Союз: Препятствия на уровне ЕСHilary AppelSeptember 4, 2014tags-d297 tags-d181 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d62The Troubled Rebirth of Political Opposition in RussiaVladimir Gel'manSeptember 2, 2014tags-gelman tags-russiaRussian Foreign Policy: Traditional Vectors in a New Geopolitical SituationIrina KobrinskayaSeptember 2, 2014tags-kobrinskaya tags-russiaOn the Road to 2015: Can Genocide Commemoration Lead to Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation?September 2, 2014tags-armenia tags-minasyanNatural Gas and the Ukraine Crisis: From Realpolitik to Network DiplomacyAdam StulbergAugust 29, 2014tags-energy tags-russia tags-stulberg tags-ukraineUpgrading Russia’s Quasi-Strategic Pseudo-Partnership with ChinaPavel BaevAugust 29, 2014tags-baev tags-china tags-russiaThe Poroshenko Phenomenon: Elections and Challenges AheadOlexiy HaranAugust 26, 2014tags-burkovsky tags-haran tags-poroshenko tags-ukraineLook Beyond the Capital: The Geography of Political Openings in EurasiaKelly McMannAugust 25, 2014tags-eurasia tags-mcmannUnable to Lead, Reluctant to Follow: Russian, Chinese, and Indian Approaches to Balancing and Bandwagoning with the WestMikhail TroitskiyAugust 20, 2014tags-china tags-india tags-russia tags-troitskiyDaring to Protest: When, Why, and How Russia’s Citizens Engage in Street ProtestTomila LankinaAugust 19, 2014tags-lankina tags-russiaThe “Power of Siberia”: No Longer a Pipe DreamElizabeth WishnickAugust 18, 2014tags-oil-gas tags-russia tags-wishnickThe Implications of Russia’s Law against the “Rehabilitation of Nazism”Ivan KurillaAugust 12, 2014tags-kurilla tags-russiaThe Long-Term Prospects for Ukraine’s Accession to the European Union: A Focus on EU-Level ConstraintsHilary AppelAugust 12, 2014tags-appel tags-ukraineBelarus’ Renewed Subordination to Russia: Unconditional Surrender or Hard Bargain?Arkady MoshesAugust 6, 2014tags-belarus tags-moshesAnger and Prejudice after the Beslan School Hostage TakingDebra JavelineAugust 6, 2014tags-javeline tags-russiaRussia’s Ethnic Minorities: Putin’s Loyal Neo-Imperial “Fifth Column”Mikhail AlexseevAugust 6, 2014tags-alexseev tags-ethnic-minorities tags-russiaИдентичность, национализм и пределы либерализма в российской политической жизниSamuel GreeneAugust 5, 2014tags-d73 tags-d97 tags-d31 tags-d2 tags-d117Beyond Anti-Westernism: The Kremlin’s Narrative about Russia’s European Identity and MissionMarlene LaruelleAugust 4, 2014tags-laruelle tags-russiaA Great Wall for Russia? The Consequences of Introducing a Visa Regime for the CISSerghei GolunovAugust 1, 2014tags-golunov tags-russiaUkrainian Nationalism, Soccer Clubs, and the EuromaidanOleksandr FisunJuly 17, 2014tags-fisun tags-ukraineIdentity, Nationalism, and the Limits of Liberalism in Russian Popular PoliticsSamuel GreeneJune 24, 2014tags-greene tags-nationalism tags-robertson tags-russia tags-xenophobiaЯвляется ли грузинская православная церковь препятствием на пути к европейским ценностям?Kornely KakachiaJune 19, 2014tags-d48 tags-d83 tags-d97 tags-d277Анализируя «Свободу» – ведущую украинскую националистическую политическую партиюVolodymyr DubovykJune 16, 2014tags-d392 tags-d191 tags-d97 tags-d62Опасные иммигранты или искаженные восприятия? Взаимосвязь между иммиграцией и преступностью в РоссииSerghei GolunovJune 11, 2014tags tags-d117Прощание с «Азиатскими Балканами»: Восприятие китайской миграции на Дальнем Востоке России, 2000-2013Mikhail AlexseevJune 11, 2014tags-d207 tags-d102 tags-d117Возвращение языковой политики в УкраинуPolina SinovetsJune 11, 2014tags-d332 tags-d62Студенты из Средней Азии: Между Россией и ЗападомJune 11, 2014tags-d32 tags-d293 tags-d117 tags-d67Сочинская Олимпиада и российская национальная идентичностьDmitry GorenburgJune 11, 2014tags-d74 tags-d117Is Georgia’s Orthodox Church an Obstacle to European Values?Kornely KakachiaJune 6, 2014tags-georgia tags-kakachiaDangerous Immigrants or Dodgy Perceptions? The Correlation between Immigration and Crime in RussiaSerghei GolunovMay 23, 2014tags-crime tags-golunov tags-immigration tags-russiaMaking Sense of Svoboda: Ukraine’s Foremost Nationalist Political PartyVolodymyr DubovykMay 8, 2014tags-dubovyk tags-ukraineParting with Asian Balkans: Perceptions of Chinese Migration in the Russian Far East, 2000-2013Mikhail AlexseevApril 24, 2014tags-alexseev tags-china tags-far-east tags-russia tags-xenophobiaThe Return of Language Politics to UkrainePolina SinovetsApril 23, 2014tags-sinovets tags-ukraineCentral Asian Students between Russia and the WestApril 23, 2014tags-blum tags-central-asiaThe Sochi Olympics and Russian National IdentityDmitry GorenburgApril 8, 2014tags-gorenburg tags-russiaПочему Россия не торопится по пути ядерного разоруженияPolina SinovetsMarch 27, 2014tags-d347 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d332Увлечение лоббизмом: Как небольшие страны покупают уважение за рубежомScott RadnitzMarch 27, 2014tags-d47 tags-d48Проблемные границы МолдовыGeorge GavrilisMarch 27, 2014tags-d79 tags-d130 tags-d97 tags-d197 tags-d80Азербайджанская элита между Сциллой и Харибдой: ЕС или Таможенный союз?Anar ValiyevMarch 26, 2014tags-d47 tags-d214 tags-d89 tags-d97 tags-d194Серая торговля в пограничной зоне между ЕС и Россией: Вызов или возможность?Serghei GolunovMarch 26, 2014tags tags-d89 tags-d97 tags-d117Российский подход к международному вмешательству: Соблюдение нормы или реалполитика?Yulia NikitinaMarch 26, 2014tags-d64 tags-d87 tags-d97 tags-d117Соревнование за лояльность стран «Восточного партнерства»Yulia NikitinaMarch 26, 2014tags-d283 tags-d89 tags-d64 tags-d97 tags-d348От Москвы до Вильнюса: Новая попытка Армении совместить несовместимоеMarch 26, 2014tags-d77 tags-d89 tags-d61 tags-d97От нормальной страны к нормальному авторитаризму: Трансформация политического режима в РоссииNikolay PetrovMarch 7, 2014tags-d36 tags-d322 tags-d97 tags-d31 tags-d117The Grey Trade of the EU-Russia Borderlands: Economic Obstacle or Opportunity?Serghei GolunovMarch 5, 2014tags-baltics tags-borders tags-golunov tags-russiaЕвропейский Союз в Восточной Европе: Приобретает ли нормативная сила геополитическое измерение?Andrey MakarychevMarch 4, 2014tags-d240 tags-d243 tags-d354 tags-d181 tags-d82 tags-d97Сила без доброты: Ксенофобия и государство в РоссииMikhail AlexseevMarch 4, 2014tags-slon tags-d207 tags-d230 tags-d97 tags-d117Трудный путь Украины к европейской интеграцииOlexiy HaranMarch 4, 2014tags-d60 tags-d186 tags-d97 tags-d10 tags-d62Единая Россия и остальные: Попытки Кремля выстроить правящее большинствоRegina SmythFebruary 28, 2014tags-d172 tags-d44 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d276Раздваивается ли дорога? Украина между Соглашением об ассоцииации с ЕС и Евроазиатским таможенным союзомOleksandr SushkoFebruary 28, 2014tags-d243 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d41 tags-d62Непреднамеренные последствия выборов глав регионов в РоссииPaul GoodeFebruary 28, 2014tags-d172 tags-d246 tags-d97 tags-d117Преувеличивая угрозу «выплескивания»: Почему вывод войск НАТО из Афганистана не представляет угрозу для Центральной АзииScott RadnitzFebruary 28, 2014tags-d97 tags-d300 tags-d156Winning the Hearts of Eastern Partnership StatesYulia NikitinaFebruary 27, 2014tags-eu tags-nikitina tags-russiaПродовольственная безопасность в Центральной Азии как общественно-политический вызовSebastien PeyrouseFebruary 27, 2014tags-d39 tags-d97 tags-d309 tags-d156Протесты в Центральной АзииEric McGlincheyFebruary 27, 2014tags-central-asia tags-mcglinchey tags-ponars tags-protestsПолицейская реформа в Армении: Революция или эволюция?Nona ShahnazarianFebruary 21, 2014tags-d77 tags-d164 tags-d97 tags-d158 tags-d50Не все так плохо в российской стратегии в СирииPavel BaevFebruary 21, 2014tags-d203 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d56Олимпиада на грани бойкота: Реакция Кремля на международные вызовыSufian ZhemukhovFebruary 21, 2014tags-d40 tags-2014 tags-d97 tags-d117From Moscow to Vilnius: Armenia’s New Attempt to Reconcile the IrreconcilableFebruary 20, 2014tags-armenia tags-customs-union tags-eu tags-minasyan tags-russiaRussia’s Policy on International Interventions: Principle or Realpolitik?Yulia NikitinaFebruary 19, 2014tags-csto tags-georgia tags-nikitina tags-russiaНовый взгляд на исламизм: Может ли он стать фактором демократизации в Центральной Азии?Marlene LaruelleFebruary 19, 2014tags-d160 tags-d97 tags-d277 tags-d156Ukraine’s Long Road to European IntegrationOlexiy HaranFebruary 18, 2014tags-haran tags-ukraine tags-zolkinaЦентрально-азиатские армии и силы безопасности: Оценка результатов иностранной помощиDmitry GorenburgFebruary 18, 2014tags-d74 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d67The EU in Eastern Europe: Has Normative Power Become Geopolitical?Andrey MakarychevFebruary 14, 2014tags-devyatkov tags-eu tags-makarychev tags-russiaРоссия и геополитика природного газа: Воспользуется ли россия революцией или станет ее жертвой?Adam StulbergFebruary 12, 2014tags-d248 tags-d227 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d163Будет ли больно? Насколько уязвима Россия к падению цен на нефтьAndrew BarnesFebruary 6, 2014tags-d263 tags-d97 tags-d31 tags-d117Отношения Грузии и НАТО: что нового принесет 2014 год?Kornely KakachiaFebruary 5, 2014tags-d48 tags-d129 tags-d117Azerbaijan’s Elite between Scylla and Charybdis: EU or Customs Union?Anar ValiyevFebruary 5, 2014tags-azerbaijan tags-customs-union tags-eu tags-valiyevThe Lobby Hobby: How Small Countries Buy Respect AbroadScott RadnitzFebruary 4, 2014tags-azerbaijan tags-georgia tags-radnitzMoldova’s (Not So) Troubled BordersGeorge GavrilisJanuary 30, 2014tags-gavrilis tags-moldovaStrength Without Kindness: Russia’s Persistent Xenophobia and the StateMikhail AlexseevJanuary 29, 2014tags-alexseev tags-immigration tags-russia tags-xenophobiaСочи 2014: Экономика российских мегапроектовRobert OrttungJanuary 15, 2014tags-d182 tags-d249 tags-d97 tags-d185Три российских мифа об ИранеPolina SinovetsJanuary 9, 2014tags-d365 tags-d159 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d332 tags-d67Why Russia Undermines the Norm of Nuclear DisarmamentPolina SinovetsDecember 20, 2013tags-russia tags-sinovetsРоссийско-белорусские отношения после Вильнюса: Старое вино в новые меха?Arkady MoshesDecember 13, 2013tags-d124 tags-d134 tags-d37 tags-d97 tags-d31 tags-d117 tags-d62Russian-Belarusian Relations after Vilnius: Old Wine in New Bottles?Arkady MoshesDecember 2, 2013tags-belarus tags-eu tags-moshes tags-russia tags-ukraineКак ОДКБ (не) может помочь НАТОYulia NikitinaNovember 13, 2013tags-d14 tags-d129 tags-d64 tags-d87 tags-d97Квазифеодализм в высшем образовании? Ректоры в российской политикеSerghei GolunovNovember 13, 2013tags-d20 tags tags-d97 tags-d117Как российское «энергетическое оружие» превратилось в нефтяную «подушку» и газовую «погремушку»Pavel BaevNovember 13, 2013tags-d203 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d80Поиск виновных в природных катастрофах в РоссииElise GiulianoNovember 13, 2013tags-d273 tags-d223 tags-d97 tags-d31 tags-d117Police Reform in Armenia: Revolution or Evolution?Nona ShahnazarianOctober 29, 2013tags-armenia tags-georgia tags-light tags-police-reform tags-shahnazarianГражданское общество и вторая путинщинаJames RichterSeptember 30, 2013tags-usaid tags-d196 tags-d97 tags-d31 tags-d142 tags-d117Новая трактовка российской внешней политики: Влияние неформальных патронажно-клиентельных сетейKimberly MartenSeptember 30, 2013tags-d119 tags-d97 tags-d31 tags-d108 tags-d206 tags-d117 tags-d100Central Asian Military and Security Forces: Assessing the Impact of Foreign AssistanceDmitry GorenburgSeptember 27, 2013tags-central-asia tags-gorenburg tags-russiaHow the CSTO Can (and Cannot) Help NATOYulia NikitinaSeptember 27, 2013tags-afghanistan tags-csto tags-nikitinaThe China Factor in U.S.-Russia RelationsMikhail TroitskiySeptember 27, 2013tags-china tags-russia tags-troitskiy tags-united-statesThree Russian Myths About IranPolina SinovetsSeptember 27, 2013tags-iran tags-russia tags-sinovetsEurope’s Disillusionment with RussiaArkady MoshesSeptember 27, 2013tags-europe tags-moshes tags-russiaThe Unintended Consequences of Russia’s Gubernatorial ElectionsPaul GoodeSeptember 27, 2013tags-goode tags-russiaSpinning the Spillover: Why NATO Withdrawal from Afghanistan Does Not Pose a Threat to Central AsiaScott RadnitzSeptember 27, 2013tags-central-asia tags-radnitzFood Security in Central Asia: A Public Policy ChallengeSebastien PeyrouseSeptember 27, 2013tags-central-asia tags-peyrouseQuasi-Feudalism in Higher Education?: Rectors and Politics in RussiaSerghei GolunovSeptember 27, 2013tags-golunov tags-russiaStates of Protest in Central AsiaEric McGlincheySeptember 27, 2013tags-central-asia tags-mcglinchey tags-protestsAssigning Blame After Natural Disasters in RussiaElise GiulianoSeptember 27, 2013tags-giuliano tags-russiaPolitical Protest and Regime-Opposition Dynamics in RussiaMark KramerSeptember 27, 2013tags-kramer tags-russiaNew Media, Political Information, and Opposition Views in Russia: A Cautionary Note Based on Survey EvidenceTheodore GerberSeptember 27, 2013tags-gerber tags-russiaRevisiting Islamism: A Factor for Democratization in Central Asia?Marlene LaruelleSeptember 27, 2013tags-central-asia tags-islam tags-laruelleRussia and the Geopolitics of Natural Gas: Leveraging or Succumbing to Revolution?Adam StulbergSeptember 27, 2013tags-energy tags-russia tags-stulbergHow Much Would It Hurt? Exploring Russia’s Vulnerability to a Drop in Energy PricesAndrew BarnesSeptember 27, 2013tags-barnes tags-energy tags-russiaHow Russia’s Energy “Weapon” Turned into an Oil Pillow and Gas RattlePavel BaevSeptember 27, 2013tags-baev tags-energy tags-russiaBeyond the Polls: Google Queries and Public Protest Volatility in RussiaMikhail AlexseevSeptember 27, 2013tags-alexseev tags-putin tags-russiaA Fork in the Road? 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Казани к СочиAndrey MakarychevSeptember 21, 2013tags-d82 tags-2014 tags-d97 tags-d31 tags-d117 tags-d185Китайский фактор в российско-американских отношенияхMikhail TroitskiySeptember 21, 2013tags-d102 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d35Beyond United Russia: The Kremlin’s Efforts to Engineer Ruling MajoritiesRegina SmythSeptember 20, 2013tags-russia tags-smythPutin’s Crackdown: Sources, Instruments, and ChallengesBrian TaylorSeptember 18, 2013tags-russia tags-taylorCivil Society and the Second PutinshchinaJames RichterSeptember 18, 2013tags-richter tags-russiaFrom a Normal Country to Normal Authoritarianism: The Transformation of the Political Regime in RussiaNikolay PetrovSeptember 18, 2013tags-petrov tags-russiaA New Explanation for Russian Foreign Policy: The Power of Informal Patronage NetworksKimberly MartenSeptember 18, 2013tags-marten tags-russiaЕвропа: Расставание с российской иллюзиейArkady MoshesAugust 31, 2013tags-d8 tags-d37 tags-d97 tags-d117Новые медиа, информация о политике и 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вызов для НАТОMark KramerJuly 10, 2013tags-d125 tags-d237 tags-d157 tags-d192 tags-d129 tags-d98 tags-d97 tags-d67 tags-d118Knowledge, Values, or Pragmatism: How to Build Trust in U.S.-Russia RelationsIvan KurillaJuly 10, 2013tags-kurillaГарантированное уничтожение или низкоинтенсивное сдерживание: Могут ли Россия и Соединенные Штаты модернизировать свои ядерные стратегиMikhail TroitskiyJuly 10, 2013tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-3 tags-d67 tags-d35 tags-d140The Changing Logic of Russian Strategy in Central Asia: From Privileged Sphere to Divide and Rule?Alexander CooleyJuly 9, 2013tags-central-asia tags-cooley tags-laruelle tags-russiaГрузия и Россия: От шаткого примирения к разрыву?Kornely KakachiaJuly 9, 2013tags-d114 tags-d48 tags-d0 tags-d38 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d279Россия на фоне “растущих держав”: Взгляд из ВашингтонаAyse ZarakolJuly 9, 2013tags-d65 tags-d52 tags-d97 tags-d117 tags-d67Знания, ценности или прагматизм: Как строить доверие в российско-американских отношениях?Ivan 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Живучесть сетевого авторитаризмаPONARS EurasiaOctober 24, 2012tags-greene tags-d445О шакалах и хомячках: Разделительные линии в российской политике и перспективы демократизацииPONARS EurasiaOctober 24, 2012tags-morozov tags-d285Recognition without Independence: Abkhazia’s International ContextSufian ZhemukhovOctober 23, 2012tags-abkhazia tags-zhemukhovAzerbaijan-Iran Relations: Quo Vadis, Baku?Anar ValiyevOctober 23, 2012tags-azerbaijan tags-iran tags-valiyevThe Politics of Foreign IntrigueScott RadnitzOctober 23, 2012tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-georgia tags-radnitz tags-russia tags-south-caucasusCoercion in Action: Deterrence and Compellence in the Nagorno-Karabakh ConflictSergey MinasyanOctober 23, 2012tags-azerbaijan tags-minasyan tags-nagorno-karabakhCrossing Borders, Validating Sovereignty: Russia, Georgia, and the WTOMikhail AlexseevOctober 23, 2012tags-alexseev tags-georgia tags-russia tags-wtoRestoring Brotherly Bonds: Turkish-Azerbaijani Energy RelationsSuhnaz YilmazOctober 23, 2012tags-azerbaijan tags-turkey tags-y-lmazEnergy Deposits and Contested Maritime Boundaries in EurasiaRobert OrttungOctober 23, 2012tags-arctic tags-caspian-sea tags-langenbach tags-orttung tags-russia tags-wengerThe Domestic Limits of International Expansion: Russian National Oil Companies & Global MarketsPauline JonesOctober 23, 2012tags-luong tags-russiaNo Correct Price: Recent Energy Negotiations between Russia and ChinaAndrew BarnesOctober 23, 2012tags-barnes tags-china tags-russiaWill Europe Walk Away from Ukraine?Arkady MoshesOctober 23, 2012tags-eu tags-moshes tags-ukraineThe EU Transformed: Why Should Russia Care?Andrey MakarychevOctober 23, 2012tags-eu tags-makarychev tags-russiaRusskii Mir and the Future of the Ukrainian Orthodox ChurchOlexiy HaranOctober 23, 2012tags-haran tags-russia tags-ukraineUkraine and the United States: Assessing their Relationship on the Eve of ElectionsVolodymyr DubovykOctober 23, 2012tags-dubovyk tags-ukraine tags-united-statesPolice Reform and Corruption in Georgia, Armenia, and Nagorno-KarabakhNona ShahnazarianOctober 23, 2012tags-armenia tags-georgia tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-shahnazarianResolving Kazakhstan’s Unlikely Succession CrisisSean RobertsOctober 23, 2012tags-kazakhstan tags-robertsGeorgia’s Parliamentary Elections: The Start of a Peaceful Transfer of Power?Kornely KakachiaOctober 23, 2012tags-georgia tags-kakachiaElectoral Laws and Patronage Politics in UkraineOleksandr FisunOctober 23, 2012tags-fisun tags-ukraineThe Syrian Civil War: Transition without Intervention?Ekaterina StepanovaOctober 22, 2012tags-china tags-eu tags-russia tags-stepanova tags-syria tags-un tags-united-statesCan There Be Common Ground? 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Water and Politics in Uzbek-Tajik RelationsShairbek DzhuraevOctober 22, 2012tags-central-asia tags-juraev tags-tajikistan tags-uzbekistanPassive Eagle, Rising Dragon: U.S. Policy toward China’s Rise in Central AsiaAlexander CooleyOctober 22, 2012tags-central-asia tags-cooley tags-united-statesThief or Savior? Contesting Personalism in Russia’s Rallies and ProtestsRegina SmythOctober 22, 2012tags-russia tags-smythElection Observers and Key Constituencies in Russia’s 2011-2012 Election CycleGraeme RobertsonOctober 22, 2012tags-robertson tags-russiaIs Russian Society Waking Up?Nikolay PetrovOctober 22, 2012tags-petrov tags-russiaThe Passive Majority in Russian Politics: Can Quality Beat Quantity?PONARS EurasiaOctober 22, 2012tags-morozov tags-russiaIs Kyrgyzstan’s New Political System Sustainable?Shairbek DzhuraevOctober 19, 2012tags-juraev tags-kyrgyzstanDomestic Dimensions of Armenia’s Foreign Policy: The Karabakh Conflict and Armenia-Turkey RelationsSergey MinasyanOctober 19, 2012tags-armenia tags-minasyan tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-turkeyBolstering Exchange Programs to Link University Education with Liberal Views in Russia: A Different Perspective on “Democracy Assistance”Theodore GerberOctober 18, 2012tags-gerber tags-russia tags-united-statesAn Interactive Planning Approach to Shaping U.S.-Russia RelationsDmitry GorenburgJuly 23, 2012tags-gorenburg tags-russia tags-united-statesNo Enemy at the Gate: An Unusual Election Cycle in RussiaPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-morozov tags-russiaLost in Translation: Is there a Way to Overcome the Different Political Languages of Russia and the West?Yulia NikitinaJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-nikitina tags-russia tags-united-statesExtending the ‘Reset’ in U.S.-Russia RelationsMikhail RykhtikJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-rykhtik tags-united-states‘Two-Level Games’ in U.S.-Russia RelationsMikhail TroitskiyJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-troitskiy tags-united-statesThe Latent Resonance of the Arab Revolutions in the North CaucasusPavel BaevJuly 23, 2012tags-baev tags-middle-east tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaRussia’s “Libya Debate”: Political Meanings and RepercussionsAndrey MakarychevJuly 23, 2012tags-makarychev tags-middle-east tags-russiaYawning through the Arab Spring: Resilient Regimes in Central Asia and the CaucasusScott RadnitzJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-middle-east tags-radnitzDirect Impact: The Influence of the Arab Spring on the Circassian WorldSufian ZhemukhovJuly 23, 2012tags-middle-east tags-north-caucasus tags-russia tags-zhemukhovGLONASS: Problems and ChallengesAlla KassianovaJuly 23, 2012tags-kassianova tags-russiaEnding Bilateral U.S.-Russian Strategic Arms ControlMark KramerJuly 23, 2012tags-kramer tags-russia tags-united-statesThe New European Missile Defense Architecture: Is There a Place for Ukraine?Polina SinovetsJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-russia tags-sinovetsNuclear Weapon Disagreements within NATO: Sources and ImplicationsNikolai SokovJuly 23, 2012tags-nato tags-sokovSochi Surprise: Imagining Change in Moscow’s Caucasus PolicyMikhail AlexseevJuly 23, 2012tags-alexseev tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaIran and Georgia: Genuine Partnership or Marriage of Convenience?Kornely KakachiaJuly 23, 2012tags-georgia tags-iran tags-kakachia tags-middle-east tags-south-caucasusGeorgia’s Foreign Policy Impasse: Is Consensus Crumbling?George KhelashviliJuly 23, 2012tags-georgia tags-khelashvili tags-south-caucasusThe Quest for Stability in the Karabakh Conflict: Conventional Deterrence and Political ContainmentSergey MinasyanJuly 23, 2012tags-minasyan tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-south-caucasusTurkish Foreign Policy in the AKP’s Third TermAyse ZarakolJuly 23, 2012tags-turkey tags-zarakolThe Path to a Political Solution in AfghanistanEkaterina StepanovaJuly 23, 2012tags-afghanistan tags-stepanovaViolence, Politics, and Ethnicity in the “Russian Riviera”Nona ShahnazarianJuly 23, 2012tags-abkhazia tags-armenia tags-georgia tags-shahnazarianThe ‘Hidden Hand’ of External Enemies: The Use of Conspiracy Theories by Putin’s RegimeSerghei GolunovJuly 23, 2012tags-golunov tags-russiaOf Jackals and Hamsters: Dividing Lines in Russian Politics and the Prospects for DemocratizationPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-morozov tags-russiaHow Much Can Russia Really Change? The Durability of Networked AuthoritarianismSamuel GreeneJuly 23, 2012tags-greene tags-russiaAmerican Lessons: On the Path Toward Russian ‘Progressivism’Gulnaz SharafutdinovaJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-sharafutdinovaMission Impossible: Modernization in Russia after the Global Financial CrisisJuliet JohnsonJuly 23, 2012tags-johnson tags-russiaRussian Unions’ Political Ambitions after the ElectionsRobert OrttungJuly 23, 2012tags-orttung tags-russiaWhy Russia Supports Repressive Regimes in Syria and the Middle EastDmitry GorenburgJuly 23, 2012tags-gorenburg tags-russia tags-syriaThe Syria Crisis and the Making of Russia’s Foreign PolicyEkaterina StepanovaJuly 23, 2012tags-russian-foreign-policy tags-stepanovaThe Baltic Countries after Two Decades of Independence: Achievements, Setbacks, Internal ChallengesMark KramerJuly 23, 2012tags-baltics tags-kramerFrom Blind Love to Strategic Alliance? Baltic-Georgian Relations RevisitedKornely KakachiaJuly 23, 2012tags-baltics tags-georgia tags-kakachiaLegacy and Responsibility in the Post-Soviet SpaceYulia NikitinaJuly 23, 2012tags-nikitina tags-russiaIn Search of National Unity or International Separation: WWII Era Textbook Narratives in Post-Soviet StatesIvan KurillaJuly 23, 2012tags-kurilla tags-russiaPolarizing the Country? Yanukovych’s Authoritarian Game between Russia and the EU on the Eve of Ukraine’s 2012 Parliamentary ElectionsOlexiy HaranJuly 23, 2012tags-haran tags-ukraineThe West and the Imprisonment of Yulia Tymoshenko: When is Positive Leverage Not Enough?Sergiy KudeliaJuly 23, 2012tags-kudelia tags-ukraineRussia and Germany in Wider Europe: Dynamics of Rapprochment and AlienationAndrey MakarychevJuly 23, 2012tags-germany tags-makarychev tags-russiaTurkey, Russia, and the Arab SpringAyse ZarakolJuly 23, 2012tags-arab-spring tags-russia tags-turkey tags-zarakolThe Future of Euro-Atlantic Integration in the Western BalkansHarris MylonasJuly 23, 2012tags-balkans tags-mylonasThe Logic of Kyrgyzstan’s Base PolicyShairbek DzhuraevJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-juraev tags-kyrgyzstanChina’s Challenges in Central Asia: Fallout from the Georgian War, the Financial Crisis, and the Xinjiang RiotsElizabeth WishnickJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-china tags-georgia tags-south-caucasus tags-wishnickThe Impact of the Hajj Pilgrimage in the North CaucasusMikhail AlexseevJuly 23, 2012tags-alexseev tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaNew Challenges to Russian FederalismAndrey MakarychevJuly 23, 2012tags-makarychev tags-russiaThree Perspectives on Political Islam in Central AsiaEric McGlincheyJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-mcglincheyCitizens and Compatriots: The Politics of Citizenship Policy in RussiaOxana ShevelJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-shevel tags-south-ossetiaRussia’s New Model Army: The Ongoing Radical Reform of the Russian MilitaryDmitry GorenburgJuly 23, 2012tags-gorenburg tags-russiaRussia’s Place in the World: An Exit Option?Theodore HopfJuly 23, 2012tags-hopf tags-russiaRussia’s ‘Over-Managed Democracy’ in CrisisNikolay PetrovJuly 23, 2012tags-petrov tags-russiaWill the Financial Crisis Lead to Political Change in Russia?Vadim VolkovJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-volkovPetro Power: Can Russia Use Its Energy Endowment and the World Oil System to Its Advantage?Andrew BarnesJuly 23, 2012tags-barnes tags-russiaRussia as an Energy Power between Europe, the Middle East, and AsiaRobert OrttungJuly 23, 2012tags-china tags-iran tags-orttung tags-russiaTurning Pipe Dreams into Pipelines: Eurasian Energy Transit and the Credible Commitment ProblemAdam StulbergJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-stulbergThe Stagnation of the SCO: Competing Agendas and Divergent Interests in Central AsiaAlexander CooleyJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-china tags-cooley tags-scoBreaking the Nation’s Taboo: Meds Yeghern and Turkish IntellectualsNona ShahnazarianJuly 23, 2012tags-armenia tags-central-asia tags-shahnazarian tags-south-caucasus tags-tajikistanAzerbaijan and Turkmenistan’s Dispute over the Caspian Sea: Will It Impede the Nabucco Project?Anar ValiyevJuly 23, 2012tags-azerbaijan tags-south-caucasus tags-turkey tags-valiyevThe Bulava Missile: What Propels Its Unsteady Flight?Alla KassianovaJuly 23, 2012tags-kassianova tags-russiaThe Drama of Ukraine’s 2010 Presidential Election: Opportunities Lost-Does a Potential for Stabilization Remain?Olexiy HaranJuly 23, 2012tags-haran tags-ukraineThe Fallout from Ukraine’s 2010 Presidential Election: Internal Change and the Implications for Ukraine’s Ties with RussiaMark KramerJuly 23, 2012tags-kramer tags-ukraineUkraine after the 2010 Presidential Election: Implications for Democracy and Foreign PolicyOleksandr SushkoJuly 23, 2012tags-sushko tags-ukraineThese Colors May Run: The Backlash Against the U.S.-Backed ‘Democratic Revolutions’ in EurasiaAlexander CooleyJuly 23, 2012tags-belarus tags-central-asia tags-cooley tags-georgia tags-kyrgyzstan tags-south-caucasus tags-united-statesKyiv and Tbilisi: No Longer Washington’s Favorites?Volodymyr DubovykJuly 23, 2012tags-dubovyk tags-georgia tags-south-caucasus tags-ukraine tags-united-statesRussia’s Moldova Policy: Soft Power at the Service of Realpolitik?Andrey MakarychevJuly 23, 2012tags-makarychev tags-moldova tags-russiaBack on Track?: Kyrgyz Authoritarianism after the Tulip RevolutionShairbek DzhuraevJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-juraev tags-kyrgyzstanPolitical Turmoil in the Northwestern Black Sea Rim: Ukraine, Moldova and TransnistriaKimitaka MatsuzatoJuly 23, 2012tags-matsuzato tags-moldova tags-transnistria tags-ukraineOdd Man Out Again: Explaining Belarus’ Post-Orange TransformationPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-belarus tags-silitskiBeyond ‘Resource Nationalism:’ Implications of State Ownership in Kazakhstan’s Petroleum SectorPauline JonesJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-kazakhstan tags-luongRethinking the Revolutionary Past: How Color Revolutions Have Led to New Interpretations of Russian HistoryIvan KurillaJuly 23, 2012tags-kurilla tags-russiaThe Color Revolutions BetrayedGeorgi DerluguianJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-derluguian tags-georgia tags-kyrgyzstan tags-south-caucasus tags-ukraineWhat’s In Store For Color Revolutions? 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Aspects of Postwar Political Culture in Nagorno-KarabakhNona ShahnazarianJuly 23, 2012tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-shahnazarian tags-south-caucasusDmitry Medvedev’s Conservative Modernization: Reflections on the Yaroslavl SpeechPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-morozov tags-russiaInstitutionalizing Security Cooperation between Russia and the WestKimberly MartenJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-russia tags-united-states-martenUS-Russian Cooperation in the Caspian: An Opportunity Worth PursuingDmitry GorenburgJuly 23, 2012tags-caspian tags-gorenburg tags-russia tags-united-statesThe International Community’s Elusive Search for Common Ground in Central AsiaGeorge GavrilisJuly 23, 2012tags-afghanistan tags-central-asia tags-gavrilis tags-middle-east tags-tajikistan tags-united-statesShould Europe Care About Black Sea Security?Volodymyr DubovykJuly 23, 2012tags-black-sea tags-dubovyk tags-euThe Caspian Sea Region: Local Dynamics, Global ReverberationsAndrey MakarychevJuly 23, 2012tags-caspian tags-makarychevThe Kyrgyz Crisis and the Political Logic of Central Asia’s Weak Regional Security OrganizationsAlexander CooleyJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-cooley tags-kyrgyzstanHas Moscow Come to Terms with Iran?Pavel BaevJuly 23, 2012tags-baev tags-middle-east tags-russiaThe Non-Proliferation Treaty as a Conditional NormYoshiko HerreraJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-united-statesRussia and the EU: A New ‘Balance of Self-Confidence’Arkady MoshesJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-moshes tags-russiaEU-Russia Visa Talks: Open and Hidden AgendasSerghei GolunovJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-golunov tags-russiaEstonia and Russia Through a Three-Way Mirror: Views of the Post-Soviet GenerationTheodore GerberJuly 23, 2012tags-estonia tags-gerber tags-moore-d45 tags-russiaRussian Expansion: A Challenge and Opportunity for the Emerging Authoritarian Regime in UkraineOlexiy HaranJuly 23, 2012tags-haran tags-russia tags-ukraineNeither Friend nor Foe: Perceptions of Russia in AzerbaijanAnar ValiyevJuly 23, 2012tags-azerbaijan tags-russia tags-south-caucasus tags-valiyevGeorgian Perceptions of the North Caucasus and of U.S.-Russian RelationsGeorge KhelashviliJuly 23, 2012tags-georgia tags-khelashvili tags-north-caucasus tags-south-caucasusWe Need Wonders at a Reasonable Price: How Sound is Russia’s Current Military-Industrial Policy?Alla KassianovaJuly 23, 2012tags-kassianova tags-russiaHistorical Legacies and Law Enforcement in RussiaBrian TaylorJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-taylorInstitutional Trap in Russian Politics: Still No Way Out?Vladimir Gel'manJuly 23, 2012tags-gelman tags-russiaWhat Happened on Manezh Square? Ideology, Institutions, and Myths Regarding the Anti-Migrant Riots of December 2010PONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-morozov tags-russiaReforming Russia’s Higher Education SystemIvan KurillaJuly 23, 2012tags-kurilla tags-russiaRussia at 2020: a Neo-Leninist HypothesisGeorgi DerluguianJuly 23, 2012tags-derluguian tags-russiaUnderstanding Suicide Terrorist Bombings in RussiaMark KramerJuly 23, 2012tags-kramer tags-russiaThe Kabardino-Balkaria Insurgency: A Comparative Analysis of Ideological Trends in the North Caucasus156Jean-François Ratelle and Sufian ZhemukhovJuly 23, 2012tags-north-caucasus tags-ratelle tags-russia tags-zhemukhovRubles Against the Insurgency: Paradoxes from the North Caucasus CountiesMikhail AlexseevJuly 23, 2012tags-alexseev tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaDeveloping New Measurements of State Institutional CapacityVladimir PopovJuly 23, 2012tags-china tags-popov tags-russiaThe Role of Information Communication Technologies in the ‘Arab Spring’: Implications Beyond the RegionPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-middle-east tags-stepanovaMapping an Alternative Future for BelarusArkady MoshesJuly 23, 2012tags-belarus tags-moshesPatriotic Upbringing in Russia: Can it Produce Good Citizens?Serghei GolunovJuly 23, 2012tags-golunov tags-russiaSymbolic Politics or Real Problems: The Agenda for the Russian ElectionsIvan KurillaJuly 23, 2012tags-kurilla tags-russiaRussia’s Gordian Knot: Radical Nationalism, the North Caucasus, and MigrationMarlene LaruelleJuly 23, 2012tags-laruelle tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaThe End of the Chapter? The 2011-2012 Electoral Cycle in RussiaNikolay PetrovJuly 23, 2012tags-petrov tags-russiaThe Dual Spiral of Ukrainian Politics After 2010Oleksandr FisunJuly 23, 2012tags-fisun tags-ukraineWhat Hinders Reform in Ukraine?Robert OrttungJuly 23, 2012tags-orttung tags-ukraineEighteen Months Under Yanukovych: Ukraine’s Reform Record and ImplicationsOleksandr SushkoJuly 23, 2012tags-sushko tags-ukraineThe Political Economy of Oil in Russia: ‘Really Existing Capitalism?’Andrew BarnesJuly 23, 2012tags-barnes tags-russiaTajikistan’s New Trade: Cross-border Commerce and the China-Afghanistan LinkSebastien PeyrouseJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-peyrouse tags-tajikistanRussia’s Energy Security Dilemmas in Northeast Asia: Contending with the Different Faces of Resource NationalismAdam StulbergJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-stulbergThe U.S.-Russia ‘Reset’: A Skeptical ViewVolodymyr DubovykJuly 23, 2012tags-dubovyk tags-russia tags-united-statesWhat’s Wrong with Security Cooperation in Eurasia?Mikhail RykhtikJuly 23, 2012tags-eurasia tags-rykhtikMedvedev and the Military: Reshuffling as a Preamble for Reform?Pavel BaevJuly 23, 2012tags-baev tags-russiaHas the Russian Navy Turned a Corner?: Recent Trends in Russian Shipbuilding and Naval DeploymentsDmitry GorenburgJuly 23, 2012tags-gorenburg tags-russiaAn End to Russian Military Bases in Georgia?: The Implications of Past Military WithdrawalsKornely KakachiaJuly 23, 2012tags-georgia tags-kakachia tags-russia tags-south-caucasusRussia’s New ‘State Corporations’: Locomotives of Modernization or Covert Privatizations Schemes?Vadim VolkovJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-volkovThe Nanotechnology Revolutions: Looking Beyond the HypeAdam StulbergJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-stulbergOvercounting Russia’s Muslims: Implications for Security and SocietyMikhail AlexseevJuly 23, 2012tags-alexseev tags-russiaProspects for Islamic Radicalism and Violent Extremism in the North Caucasus and Central AsiaMark KramerJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-kramer tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaRadicalization of Muslim Immigrants in Europe and Russia: Beyond TerrorismEkaterina StepanovaJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-russia tags-stepanovaWhy Young People Turn to Islam in the North CaucasusSufian ZhemukhovJuly 23, 2012tags-north-caucasus tags-russia tags-zhemukhovMedvedev’s Oil: The Burdens of Great Wealth and the Potential for Coping with ThemAndrew BarnesJuly 23, 2012tags-barnes tags-russiaA Curse or a Blessing?: What to Expect from a Typical Developing Resource-Abundant StateVladimir PopovJuly 23, 2012tags-popov tags-russiaWrestling from Brotherly Hugs: Prospects for Involving Belarus in Regional Energy CooperationPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-belarus tags-silitskiHow We Assess Civil Society Developments: The Russia ExampleDebra JavelineJuly 23, 2012tags-javeline tags-russiaCivil Society in the New AuthoritarianismJames RichterJuly 23, 2012tags-richter tags-russiaConvergence in Post-Soviet Political Systems?: A Comparative Analysis of Russian, Kazakh, and Ukrainian Parliamentary ElectionsNikolay PetrovJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-kazakhstan tags-petrov tags-russia tags-ukraineEnergizing the Western Response to Democratic Setbacks in Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, and GeorgiaRobert OrttungJuly 23, 2012tags-armenia tags-azerbaijan tags-central-asia tags-georgia tags-kyrgyzstan tags-orttung tags-south-caucasusSocial Transformations in Post-Soviet Nagorno Karabakh: Motivations for MigrationNona ShahnazarianJuly 23, 2012tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-shahnazarian tags-south-caucasusEconomic Lures and Ungoverned Territories: Overcoming WarlordismKimberly MartenJuly 23, 2012tags-eurasia tags-martenThe Evolution of Georgian-Russian SterotypesGeorgi DerluguianJuly 23, 2012tags-derluguian tags-georgia tags-russia tags-south-caucasusThe Black Sea Region in Russia’s Current Foreign Policy ParadigmIrina KobrinskayaJuly 23, 2012tags-black-sea tags-kobrinskayaTowards a Strategic Respite in the Black SeaGeorge KhelashviliJuly 23, 2012tags-black-sea tags-khelashviliSecuritization and Identity: The Black Sea Region as a ‘Conflict Formation’Andrey MakarychevJuly 23, 2012tags-black-sea tags-makarychevBlack Sea Security and the Rising Role of ReligionMikhail RykhtikJuly 23, 2012tags-black-sea tags-rykhtikAlternative Approaches to Black Sea Regional Security: A Ukrainian PerspectiveOleksandr SushkoJuly 23, 2012tags-black-sea tags-russia tags-sushko tags-ukraineVae Victors: The Russian Army Pays for the Lessons of the Georgian WarPavel BaevJuly 23, 2012tags-baev tags-georgia tags-south-caucasusWill Sevastopol Survive? The Triangular Politics of Russia’s Naval Base in CrimeaVolodymyr DubovykJuly 23, 2012tags-cooley tags-dubovyk tags-russia tags-ukraineThe Russian Black Sea Fleet After the Georgian WarDmitry GorenburgJuly 23, 2012tags-gorenburg tags-russiaThe South Caucasus Corridor after the Russian-Georgian WarNikolai SokovJuly 23, 2012tags-georgia tags-russia tags-sokov tags-south-caucasusWar in Georgia and the ‘Russian Card’ in Ukrainian PoliticsOlexiy HaranJuly 23, 2012tags-georgia tags-haran tags-south-caucasus tags-ukraineRussian-Ukrainian Relations After the Georgian WarArkady MoshesJuly 23, 2012tags-moshes tags-russia tags-ukraineThe Hemshin, Homshetsi, or Hemshinli? Armenian Speaking Muslim People of the Black Sea RegionNona ShahnazarianJuly 23, 2012tags-armenia tags-black-sea tags-shahnazarian tags-south-caucasusCircassian World: Responses to New ChallengesSufian ZhemukhovJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-zhemukhovCompeting Designs for Caspian Energy Highways: Russia and the EU Face Reality ChecksPavel BaevJuly 23, 2012tags-baev tags-eu tags-russiaIran and Afghanistan: Cross Border Security Challenges, Conflict Management, and Iran-U.S. RelationsEkaterina StepanovaJuly 23, 2012tags-afghanistan tags-iran tags-stepanova tags-united-statesRussian Naval Deployments: A Return to Global Power Projection or a Temporary Blip?Dmitry GorenburgJuly 23, 2012tags-gorenburg tags-russiaStaying the Arctic Course: An Offer for Cooperation That Russia Cannot RefusePavel BaevJuly 23, 2012tags-baev tags-russiaU.S. Russian Strategic Arms Control: Back to the Future?PONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-pikayev tags-russiaThe Geopolitics of Resurgent Russia: How Medvedev’s Russia Sees the WorldMikhail RykhtikJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-rykhtikDoes Russia Want the West to Succeed in Afghanistan?Ekaterina StepanovaJuly 23, 2012tags-afghanistan tags-russia tags-stepanovaCaught in Between: Citizenship, Identity, and Young Ethnic Russians in EstoniaTheodore GerberJuly 23, 2012tags-estonia tags-gerber tags-mendelson tags-russiaMemory Wars in the Post-Soviet SpaceIvan KurillaJuly 23, 2012tags-kurilla tags-russiaProtecting ‘Our’ History: Politics, Memory, and the Russian StatePONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-morozov tags-russiaThe Circassian Dimension of the 2014 Sochi Winter OlympicsSufian ZhemukhovJuly 23, 2012tags-circassians tags-russia tags-zhemukhovAll Quiet on the Karabagh Front?Georgi DerluguianJuly 23, 2012tags-derluguian tags-nagorno-karabakh tags-south-caucasusCan Russia Win the Ideological Battle in Georgia?Kornely KakachiaJuly 23, 2012tags-georgia tags-kakachia tags-russia tags-south-caucasusIs There a Chance for Constructive Cooperation in the CIS?Irina KobrinskayaJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-kobrinskayaThe Rapprochement between Belarus and the European UnionArkady MoshesJuly 23, 2012tags-belarus tags-eu tags-moshesThe EU’s Eastern Partnership: Why It May Help Democracy Promotion and How the United States Can Help Move It ForwardPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-silitskiThe Perennial Partnership: The Global Economic Crisis and Russian-Kazakh Relations71Serghei GolunovJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-golunov tags-kazakhstan tags-russiaThe Role of Business in Russian Foreign and Security RelationsRobert OrttungJuly 23, 2012tags-orttung tags-russiaHelping Russia Cope with AIDSPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-wallanderThe United States and the Ukrainian Election Political CrisisVolodymyr DubovykJuly 23, 2012tags-dubovyk tags-ukraine tags-united-statesA New President for Ukraine: A Democratic Choice in the CIS?Olexiy HaranJuly 23, 2012tags-burkovsky tags-haran tags-ukraineIs Russia’s New Belarus Policy Emerging?Arkady MoshesJuly 23, 2012tags-belarus tags-moshes tags-russiaThe International Implications of Ukraine’s Orange RevolutionOleksandr SushkoJuly 23, 2012tags-sushko tags-ukraineWill Russian Scientists Go Rogue? A Survey on the Threat and the Impact of Western AssistanceTheodore GerberJuly 23, 2012tags-ball tags-gerber tags-russiaIran’s Nuclear Program Implications for the Dialogue Among Russia, the United States, and EuropePONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-iran tags-middle-east tags-orlovThe U.S.-EU-Russian Nonproliferation TrianglePONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-pikayev tags-russia tags-united-statesNational Security Implications of Russia’s Health and Demographic CrisisJudyth TwiggJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-twiggWhat President Bush Should Say to President Putin in BratislavaPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-ukraine tags-wallanderDepoliticizing Manas: The Domestic Consequences of the U.S. Military Presence in KyrgyzstanAlexander CooleyJuly 23, 2012tags-afghanistan tags-central-asia tags-cooley tags-kyrgyzstan tags-united-statesThe Withdrawal of Russian Military Bases from Georgia: Not Solving AnythingNikolai SokovJuly 23, 2012tags-abkhazia tags-georgia tags-russia tags-sokov tags-south-caucasus tags-south-ossetiaRevolutions and Religion in Central AsiaEric McGlincheyJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-kyrgyzstan tags-mcglinchey tags-uzbekistanUzbekistan: The Risks and Responsibilities of Democracy PromotionJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-georgia tags-south-caucasus tags-uzbekistan tags-weltMay 9th and Russia: Past, Present and FuturePONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-estonia tags-wallanderXenophobia in Russia: Are the Young Driving It?Mikhail AlexseevJuly 23, 2012tags-alexseev tags-central-asia tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaOn Double Standards: Toward Strategic Liberalism in U.S. Russia PolicyStephen HansonJuly 23, 2012tags-north-caucasus tags-russia tags-united-statesA Velvet DivorcePONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-nato tags-pikayev tags-united-statesWill the Kremlin Revive the Russian Idea?Vadim VolkovJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-volkovGeopolitics and Neo-containment, as well as Common Security: Russian Views of ProliferationPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-united-states tags-wallanderThe Foreign Policy of Ukraine: One Year After the Orange RevolutionVolodymyr DubovykJuly 23, 2012tags-dubovyk tags-eu tags-nato tags-ukraine tags-wtoInterpreting the Color Revolutions and Prospects for Post-Soviet Democratization: Breaking the CyclesHenry HaleJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-georgia tags-hale tags-kyrgyzstan tags-ukraineIs Democracy Irreversible in Ukraine? Political Reconfiguration on the Eve of the March 2006 ElectionsOlexiy HaranJuly 23, 2012tags-burkovsky tags-haran tags-ukraineRussia-NIS Relations Beyond the Color Revolutions: Are the Shifts Durable?Irina KobrinskayaJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-kobrinskaya tags-kyrgyzstan tags-russia tags-ukraineA Year After the Color Revolutions: Preemptive Authoritarianism and Challenges for Democratization in the Former Soviet UnionPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-georgia tags-silitski tags-south-caucasus tags-ukraineUkraine’s Search for a Regional Foreign Policy: One Year After the Orange RevolutionOleksandr SushkoJuly 23, 2012tags-black-sea tags-eu tags-georgia tags-nato tags-sushko tags-ukraineThe Coming Revolutions in the North CaucasusGeorgi DerluguianJuly 23, 2012tags-derluguian tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaThe Failure of Tatar Language RevivalDmitry GorenburgJuly 23, 2012tags-gorenburg tags-russia tags-tatarstanInstability in the North Caucasus and the Political 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PolicyPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-wallanderThe Baltic-Black Sea Connection: A Region in the Making or a Political Project?Andrey MakarychevJuly 23, 2012tags-baltics tags-black-sea tags-estonia tags-makarychevManaging the Retreat: Can Russia Adapt to the Emergence of Intermediate Europe?Arkady MoshesJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-moldova tags-moshes tags-russia tags-ukraineLinkages Between Terrorist and Organized Crime Groups in Nuclear Smuggling: A Case Study of Chelyabinsk OblastRobert OrttungJuly 23, 2012tags-orttung tags-russia tags-shelleyIllicit Drug Trafficking and Islamic Terrorism as Threats to Russian Security: The Limits of the LinkageEkaterina StepanovaJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-stepanovaRes Publica in Russia: Things and Publics in Current Municipal ReformPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-russiaRussia’s Left TurnIvan KurillaJuly 23, 2012tags-kurilla tags-russiaFrom Managed Democracy to Sovereign Democracy: Putin’s Regime Evolution in 2005Nikolay PetrovJuly 23, 2012tags-petrov tags-russiaMaintaining Control: Putin’s Strategy for Holding Power Past 2008Regina SmythJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-smythThe Fair Sex in an Unfair System: The Gendered Effects of Putin’s Political ReformsPONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-sperlingRussia’s Counterrevolutionary Offensive in Central AsiaPavel BaevJuly 23, 2012tags-afghanistan tags-baev tags-central-asia tags-kazakhstan tags-kyrgyzstan tags-russia tags-sco tags-uzbekistanDifficult Engagements: Political Lessons from the K2 ExperienceAlexander CooleyJuly 23, 2012tags-afghanistan tags-central-asia tags-cooley tags-kyrgyzstan tags-united-states tags-uzbekistanUnderstanding the Impact of the K2 ClosureKimberly MartenJuly 23, 2012tags-afghanistan tags-central-asia tags-kyrgyzstan tags-marten tags-united-states tags-uzbekistanAvoiding the Great Game and Domestic Unrest in EurasiaEric McGlincheyJuly 23, 2012tags-afghanistan tags-central-asia tags-kyrgyzstan tags-mcglinchey tags-united-states 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Russia’s Power Ministries from Yeltsin to Putin and BeyondBrian TaylorJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-taylorHas Russia Achieved a Victory in Its War Against Terror?Pavel BaevJuly 23, 2012tags-baev tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaThe Changing Context of Russian Federal Policy in the North CaucasusMark KramerJuly 23, 2012tags-kramer tags-north-caucasus tags-russiaRussia and the Prompt Global Strike PlanPavel PodvigJuly 23, 2012tags-podvig tags-russia tags-united-statesSTART I Replacement: The End of Cold War DisarmamentNikolai SokovJuly 23, 2012tags-russia tags-sokovThe Houses That Khrushchev and Brezhnev Built: Citadels of Support or Incubators of Political Protest?Mikhail AlexseevJuly 23, 2012tags-alexseev tags-russiaOfficial Patriotism in Russia: Its Essence and ImplicationsJuly 23, 2012tags-blum tags-russiaRussia’s Muslims: A Growing Challenge for MoscowDmitry GorenburgJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-gorenburg tags-north-caucasus tags-russia tags-tatarstanRussian Regions and 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tags-martenRussia’s Middle East Policy: Old Divisions or New?Ekaterina StepanovaJuly 23, 2012tags-middle-east tags-russia tags-stepanovaCauses and Consequences of Corruption in Putin’s RussiaRobert OrttungJuly 23, 2012tags-orttung tags-russiaOriginal Sin, Good Works, and Property Rights in RussiaTimothy FryeJuly 23, 2012tags-frye tags-russiaEthnic Migration: A Challenge to Russian Border Security?Serghei GolunovJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-china tags-golunov tags-russia tags-south-caucasusInteracting through Migration: How Can Russia Benefit and Learn From Its Asian Neighbors?Mikhail AlexseevJuly 23, 2012tags-alexseev tags-central-asia tags-china tags-russia tags-turkeyPatronage, Islam, and the Rise of Localism in Central AsiaEric McGlincheyJuly 23, 2012tags-central-asia tags-kyrgyzstan tags-mcglinchey tags-tajikistan tags-uzbekistanTwo Centuries of Russian-U.S. Relations: Internal Agendas and the Mutual Construction of ImagesIvan KurillaJuly 23, 2012tags-kurilla 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Black Sea AreaVolodymyr DubovykJuly 23, 2012tags-black-sea tags-dubovyk tags-natoRussia’s New Euro-AtlanticismIrina KobrinskayaJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-kobrinskaya tags-russiaSlowly But Surely?: The European Neighborhood Policy as a New Framework for Transatlantic IntegrationArkady MoshesJuly 23, 2012tags-moshes tags-natoAn Opening in UzbekistanEric McGlincheyJuly 23, 2012tags-mcglinchey tags-uzbekistanEnlarging the Shanghai Cooperation Organization: Is Iran a Viable Member?PONARS EurasiaJuly 23, 2012tags-china tags-iran tags-pikayev tags-scoEU-Russian Border Security: Stereotypes and RealitiesSerghei GolunovJuly 23, 2012tags-eu tags-golunov tags-russiaIdeological Aspects of Georgian-U.S.-Russian RelationsGeorge KhelashviliJuly 23, 2012tags-georgia tags-khelashvili tags-nato tags-russia tags-south-caucasusHistory as an Old-New Political Tool in EurasiaIvan KurillaJuly 23, 2012tags-eurasia tags-kurillaNATO and Russia After the Bucharest Summit: Is a New Security Agenda Feasible?Andrey 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